Nameservers and DNS Record Types

We have a reduced panel for this weeks WP-Tonic round-table show, i.e., me and Sallie Goetsch but I feel we still did a great job of covering this week WordPress news stories. Our main topic “Tips & Tricks On Setting Up Nameservers and DNS Record Types.”

Sallie had a load of insights and info conned to one of her favorite linked DNS type services Cloudflare that give some additional security and other features connected to their free service product.


This Weeks News Stories

Stop the Presses: Gutenberg is What WordPress Needs, but It Doesn’t Go Nearly Far Enough

By Fred Meyer

Stop the Presses: Gutenberg is What WordPress Needs, but It Doesn’t Go Nearly Far Enough

For the love of God, please tell me what your company does

By Kasper Kubica


What don’t you join us on Facebook every Friday at 9 am PST and be part of our live show where you can a be part of the discussion?

To also see a list of upcoming Friday & Wednesday shows during the month go here.


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