How To Build A Successful Membership Website In A Niche Market IN 2020

How To Build A Successful Membership Website In A Niche Market IN 2020

We Discuss With Davis How He Has Helped 400 People Land Their Dream Consulting Jobs Buy Using Successful Membership Website.

Jonathon: Welcome back folks to the WP-Tonic interview show. It’s episode 482. I’ve got my great co-host with me this week, so we’ve got the good looking intelligent one with us and we’ve got a great guest as well. We’ve got Davis wing livers as well. So Dave is would you like to quickly introduce yourself to the listeners and viewers?

Davis: Absolutely. My name is Davis and I run a company called My Consulting Offer. What we do is we help people become management consultants and as similar to many of the other guests that come on and we have a membership site all powered through WordPress as well as Kinsta so free [inaudibke00:00:48] for your sponsors there. And this company started roughly about three years ago as basically in my living room while I was working at another company and we quickly scaled it to where it is today. With now we have full and part-time about 40 people worldwide working on the organization.

Jonathon: And I just felt Davis would be a great guest because he’s built this initially by himself. It’s a niche membership proposition. It’s more than a membership site but it’s core it’s that. Something that if you are building a membership site you probably wouldn’t think of doing, so I thought it was an intriguing proposition. Over to also my co-host, Adrian would you like to quickly introduce yourself to the new listeners and viewers, Adrian?

Adrian: Hi everybody. My name is Adrian. I am the CEO and founder of Groundhog. We build and produce marketing automation and sales plugins for businesses that use WordPress and currently stuck at home in my urban apartments working remotely these days, which is why the background is no longer a whiteboard.

Jonathon: That’s right. So before we go into the main part of the interview, I want to talk about our major sponsor, which is Kinsta. If you got a membership site, woocommerce, anything that is performance orientated, you need better hosting than the average hosting provider, and that’s what you get with Kinsta. They use Google Cloud as their platform, but also they have provided a fantastic interface. As I’ve said in previous episodes when I have to go to clients’ hosting back-ends and it’s not Kinsta, I think to myself, Oh I couldn’t use this. I’ve just got used to the quality of Kinsta and their interface is one of the best on the market. Also, they offer 24/7 support from people that really do understand WordPress and can provide really top-tier advice on the spot. You don’t have to wait and be moved up of the food chain; you get the top of voice from the moment you contact them.

And it’s just fantastic, and we’ve been with for about three or four years now. They keep on sponsoring the show, so go over there, buy one of their packages for yourself or for one of your clients, but you must also tell them that you heard about them on the WP-Tonic Show. So let’s get onto the main part of the interview. I thought we agreed; it’s a little bit off-topic, but I thought we’d have a quick– see what’s going on. So you’re stuck in Taiwan in the capital, so how things have been going on with dealing with the virus in Taiwan.

Davis: So I guess I am one of those people and I guess I’m pretty lucky that I am stuck in Taipei because we actually had a couple of events here in Asia before everything took over and they cancel all the public events. So I was out here speaking at a university in Singapore and actually, I was on my way back to San Francisco and flying through Taipei to get there. And of course, then you have the lockdowns and the borders closings, so I am typically in Taiwan for an indefinite number of weeks, months. But overall we’re very similar where it’s like no public events as in, one thing I will find funny is that as more cities in the US are getting closed down to what you define as essential is very different. So, anyone who’s looking at this from Facebook live, you can notice I probably got a haircut. So a haircut is actually one of those essential things you could do here in Taiwan. But like for example in Denver I learned today the dispensaries are apparently essential in my hometown for a little bit. Gamestop was actually essential, so I was like whatever it is. But the situation here I would say is pretty good from the outside as in, well there’s no one to parole me around freely, but I’ve learned to make do and maybe my joke is that maybe in a couple of months I’ll be fluent in Mandarin.

Jonathon: So have there been a lot of cases of the virus in Taiwan so far?

Davis: Yeah. So there’s been an increase. But the interesting thing is that the increases they are thinking are coming from people who are coming in who before they closed the borders; one of the reasons. So right now there’s actually a fine for anyone who is local about 30,000 USD, which is like about three years’ worth of salary for the average Taiwanese. If they did come from abroad and they decided not to obey, to quarantine. So future pours. And for, for foreigners like myself, that would be like 300,000 USD.

Jonathon: Well, they’re serious and that is helping stop it from spreading totally out of control?

Davis: Absolutely. So I think Taipei is doing such a- and Taiwan is doing such a world-class example of what’s happening. As in for example, as soon as I came in they made sure I’d take my temperature, as my thermostat here for like twice a day today. And then I’ve been audited by the government at least once. So I’ll probably get an audit one more time before my two weeks are over. But they came in and made sure my files are there and I took records of my temperature and that I’m good. So they’re taking this quite seriously.

Jonathon: Oh great. So on to your company. So what led you to decide to start this up actually? What was the core moment, or your attempt to build this business?

Adrian: Before we go into that, I think a little bit of exposition might be in order. So first of all, what is your company? What’s your value proposition? And just explain that and then we’ll get into the why.

Davis: We help people, college students and also recent grads become management consultants. So for anyone who is watching the show, never heard of Management Consulting, think of it as a SWAT team or a business doctor for businesses. So they have a hairy problem, like for example, if they’re thinking about if they should cut costs; if they are thinking about if they should expand to another country, like let’s say a huge company like AT&T, they’ll hire a management consulting firm to come in there and help them figure out the optimal solution. So what makes this job so lucrative is if you think that some of the prime ministers who run the country right now, some of the CEOs of these companies like Cheryl Sandberg, COE of Facebook, all of these people came from Management Consulting because it is truly a SWAT team training ground for a business. And so every year you get about 1% of people who actually apply for these positions to actually get it. So you have a 1% chance of getting this lucrative job that makes six figures out of college. But our value prop is that we actually place about 85% of the people. So roughly about 17 out of every 20 people who work with us, get a six-figure job. And then, of course, you earn more as you continue on, so that’s our value prop.

Adrian: All right. And so how did you find yourself in this industry?

Davis: Good question. So I always thought I wanted to be an entrepreneur. And so a little bit background is that my family, they came from a very unorthodox background, which is my family they’re critical refugees from Vietnam. So they escaped the war after Vietnam, they actually took some boats and they moved from country to country before making it to the US. So we are part of the 20% of bill who out of the 2 million who moved that had actually made it, so we actually became critical refugees. My family, they basically do skilled labor or manual labor with our hands and so forth. So growing up I never knew what management consulting was, as in college wasn’t even an expectation for my community. But eventually, I was lucky and had some amazing teachers who believed in me and ended up getting a full scholarship to Yale and Harvard and where I ended up attending. And during my summers, I would actually intern at companies that we’re building out these amazing, amazing visions for what the world could look like. And as I would intern with these amazing people, and at the end of my summers, the CEOs who were twice or three times my age would say, Hey Davis, you know what, there’s something called management consulting, you should look into it, and just do that for a couple of years before I’m an entrepreneur.

So I went back to my senior year of university, which is by the way, very late because you usually plan for this stuff in advance. It’s not like one day you decide to wake up and become a doctor. It’s like you have to do all these steps and the same thing with consulting. So I had about three weeks to prep for my own recruiting process for these jobs when traditionally people spend years trying to prepare for these. And so I had to figure out within three weeks how do I actually beat out 99% of other people who are applying for the same positions. And that’s how I ended up finding myself into this position; is that three mentors said: “Hey Davis, you should be in management consulting.” And I was like, well I want to be like you guys when I grow up, so management consulting, it is.

Adrian: Wow, okay then, that very unorthodox. So I’m assuming that your three weeks of prep paid off.

Davis: Three weeks of prep paid off as in, I don’t advise anyone to wait till three weeks, but we did figure out a system to do it. I think that’s one of the things I would say is probably a strength of mine is figuring out how to get from point a to point B in the shortest time possible. Like you talk about my high school, my school community I grew up in, it was called the worst school system in the US. And to go to like a Harvard or Yale, I basically used the same technique, which is thinking about, all right, what are they looking for? How do I demonstrate those skills? How do I acquire those skills as quickly as possible? So I did the same thing when it came to the process for getting interviews at these consulting firms, which is, what do they actually look forward to on the resume cover letter. I have no clue what a resume cover letter is, but I’ll figure this out. And for the interview process, all right, so they have this fancy technical interview process. How do I master that within three weeks? And so that was the same process I did when I was going to college in eventually applying it and it worked out.

Adrian: Wow.

Jonathon: Wow. So I presume you got a managerial job that you were looking for. So what led to you wanting to start your company in this area?

Davis: Absolutely. So it came as a necessity since we were talking about healthcare and how the system supporting the coronavirus situation going here, well, it’s bad? So the US healthcare system very broken as in it is– there are so many holes in it. And so what one of the holes is that; so my family, they basically buy those lowest insurance possible if they’re not already covered by Medicaid. And so after I worked at one of the consulting firms baiting company, I actually went to work in an education tech company called Jump Cut. So Jump Cut also fantastic, fantastic education Tech Company, but part of it was at the time we weren’t profitable yet. So I came in and my job was all right, Davis make us profitable, work with the team, and so I still needed to make an income. So I just gave up this cushy management consulting six-figure job to go and work at this start-up that’s not making money.

And we have about six months of runway at this point. So I did it to find out, and I was like, okay, I live pretty frugally and then one of my family members happened to be hospitalized and there was a $21,000 medical bill that needed to be paid off. And I just do not have $21,000, leaving a six-figure job, living in California, paying California taxes, working at this startup that’s not making money in education of all things. And so to figure it out, I was like, well, I probably need a side hustle or something. So decided on the weekend and then I just, all right, let’s test out a couple of ideas. And the idea that just resonates the most to me was, “you know, a lot of people want to be management consultants. I should probably see if I can help people get interviews and pass the interviews.”

And that was the start of it. It was in my living room, Saturdays and Sundays I would just spend time helping people with their resumes, the technical interviews, and then eventually that’s how we grew and that’s how I got started. It was like Davis, there’s a $21,000 medical bill that needs to be paid off, you need to figure out how to pay that off.

Adrian: So how did it start? So I’m assuming that your first instinct when you started helping people wasn’t like spin up a WordPress site; memberships site, or maybe it was, but what were your first baby steps into start helping people?

Davis: I would joke that the membership prides, WordPress and everything else didn’t happen until 11 months into it. In the beginning, I was like, I can’t even afford this right now. As in, I can’t even afford Bluehost right now, so I need to find a way to figure out how to make money right away. So how it actually spine up was, I have this whole idea that, in order to validate a business idea really quickly, you need to do one thing, which is, it’s not science; you need clients. So you just need people to pay for your stuff. And so I decided to go online and I realized there are certain forums, in particular, Reddit is something that I spend a lot of time on. And so there’s a sub-community on Reddit that talks about how to get into management consulting. So I just provided a ton of value and people would just ask questions about the interview process, what their chances are, and people would give like these one or two sentence answers and some of them weren’t even in the industry.

So I decided to answer it with these paragraphs, these essays, and then left a basic call to action said, “Hey, if you want more information, feel free to DM me.” And so people who post the original question as well as any lurkers, but just messaging me out and then I would just get them on a phone, provide more value at the end of it I was like okay look, I’m going to set up this service here where I’m going to help people get interviews and get people offers, would you be interested? And then I just picked the price out of thin air that was comfortable at the time that would pay off the $21,000 and I just said, all right, let’s just sell enough seats here. And then the first 12 calls I had every single person said, Davis, I’m into your program, which tells me one thing, which was like my price was way too low then.

Adrian: Yes, if everybody can afford it that means it’s too low.

Davis: Exactly. But I did everything I could to help them and all 12 of them ended up getting offers in consulting and then there originally would start the trend of everything else with like filming our testimonial videos and making sure that we have these case studies to use for later. But they were the impetus, as in, and my joke was that if you think about how much they paid and how many hours I put in, I would have made more money as an Uber driver post paying for gas, post taxes.

Adrian: How much did they pay?

Davis: In the beginning, it was like $1,000 to $2,000 per person, which again, I just needed validation and proof at the time. And so that’s what the price was back then and it was enough to pay the–

Adrian: What was your investment in that?

Davis: The investment I will tell you was 1499 all I needed was a zoom account to host these meetings and that was it, and then that PowerPoint was Google slides was free, youtube was free. Yeah, it’s the 1499 for a pro account for zoom.

Adrian: And you did all of this over the phone and by email and by Reddit; no sight, no nothing?

Davis: No, nothing like you’re going to joke about this right. When it gets to like the membership, obviously like with a membership site, you have like a community, you have your videos, you have your posts and things like that. But literally in the beginning phase one was all these videos, we would do a group chat and I would literally uploaded as an unlisted video on YouTube and those were our sessions. So people were rolling like the second batch; they were literally paying for videos that were unlisted on YouTube and then I got a little better, which is I was like, you know what? Let’s do it Google drive. Yes, that’s all we need. Let’s move out the videos in Google drives. That’s a little nicer now. And then before we start having a website before anything else. That was basically how we started. To me it was like, I don’t need a website because I don’t even know if this business is going to survive, as in, I even joked, we didn’t even have a bookkeeper or accountant until I had to pay my taxes. And my joke was that if ever this business is going to fail and I have no taxes to pay or I’m going to have some money and I’ll just pay some CPA to bail me out of or lack of keeping driveways. And it was just terrible to say as a management consulting, but in the first 11 months, I was just basically trying to pay off this bill, so there’s nothing else mattered to me.

Jonathon: Well, I think you kind of [inaudible00:16:43] something I’ve been hammering a whale interviewed on a podcast yesterday. And they asked me what was the main thing that I would advise people and I say, don’t build a course that’s war and peace, don’t spend a ton of money. You need to validate is, their real needs for the thing you’re trying to teach? And you coming on the show and saying what you’ve just said is the perfect foundation, so thank you for that. We’re going to go for our break folks. We’ll be back, I think I can already say that this is going to be a fascinating discussion. We’ll be back in a few moments folks.

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Jonathon: We’re coming back, we’re talking about David’s wins adventure in building a successful membership site around teaching people how to be management consultants or more precisely getting their foot in the door of becoming a management consultant. So those early days, you know, when was the next move? When was the next step when you thought, yes, this is going to be a real business? And what were the things you had to do to move it forward again?

Davis: Great question. So at the beginning, I thought it was just going to be a side hustle that brings me enough to pay for my medical bills and maybe I’ll continue to do it. But it’s solely, when I knew I had hit this market product, Adrian, you’ll resonate with this given everything I know about the company here. Is that, sooner enough you just need to be able to– you have more customer support and client support emails and you can handle, it’s kind of like, Oh wow, people actually want to work with you but you don’t have enough time in the day to do it. And so I was spending like 20 hours a weekend with clients and just working with them, and trying to make them to get these job offers.

Of course, I’m still working as my regular job during this time, which again has to start up; we had six months of runway. So I am pulling at the time, maybe on a good week, 50 hours, 60 hours on a week, and during the weekday, then on the weekends during the summer, 20 hours. And I just like, Oh this is a lot, I need help. And I realized our business was very simple. Like most businesses, it really only comes down to three things, which is where do you get your perspective leads? Which is where’s their marketing? Where are your sales? You have to convince them and get on and then where’s your fulfillment or your product? And I realized the bottleneck was, we were getting a lot– the problem is that we were getting a lot of people who are interested, referrals and so forth. We were getting a lot of people who wanted to learn more about the program. So the sales process for me is, I guess you could say I was our first salesperson and then there was fulfillment with these coaching of helping people get these interviews and pass them.

And so that was the first bottleneck so I realized I needed to give one of these up. And so it started with the product, which is how can I find and hire more coaches who care about my clients as much as I do. So, in the beginning, it was just putting together a process of like, one thing I would do is I would go online on LinkedIn and find people who are, let’s say former teachers who also became management consultant kind of like if you were a teacher in a classroom, I assume you’re pretty good at teaching so you could probably get on and do it. And so that’s what I did in the early days, are just LinkedIn finding these senior teachers. Obviously, it doesn’t scale very well, but I was able to hire and subcontract out a lot of the work and I knew the quality was high. Today we have like a 20-hour vetting process for you becoming a coach on our team.

But back then it was just like I just needed help right then and now. I remember my first coach I ever hired was she– my best friend had just flown down through one of my best friends has flown down to California to get a tattoo done, and I were literally at a tattoo parlor and I have like 80 emails or something. I’m like, okay, I need help here. And so I’m literally scrolling through LinkedIn contacts and whatever; we’re just basically chatting and I was like, all right, cool, you’re hired. And then the next day she started part-time with me, and so that was like the early days before we had all these 20 hours of systems of interviews and so forth, but she was stellar. And then our first coaches were all stellar and they basically freed up my time to do–

Jonathon: Can we just stop there? You hire this first person you said she was stellar and you make it. You know, a lot of people they might– I’m trying to grasp to ask the right question here. But I think–

Adrian: You hired someone in 20 minutes in a tattoo parlor and they were great, how did you get

Jonathon: I think there must’ve been something more than just luck. If you spend any time thinking about what that thing was.

Davis: Absolutely. I think what I thought about was, at least when I think about hiring for us, right there, as in I am such a slow hire, which is why I tell her, this 20-minute story, people just assume, Oh I just hire like left and right. But, when people have to go through like– our operations manager, I went through like 210 candidates. Even had some people try it for trial before we got to her. But the thing that really stood out in your original was that their LinkedIn, you can find a lot on their LinkedIn and they were filled out. There were people who are leaving reviews. You could see that they really took time to really polish and then even though it was a 20-minute call, I was like literally just call them and since they had the numbers like “Hey, I should call this person.”

And then while I’m waiting for my friend who has like this two hour tattooed that he’s doing, I literally [inaudible22:48] that time it just chatted and she was super responsive and I asked her, how would you respond to this? Did you ever have a student who was difficult with this, how’d you handle that? And of course, I was still going to have to have her trial through a client just to see how she would do. And so just the 20 minute was like, all right, I know she has good character, good values and it looks like from her profile she hits all these boxes plus she was already in management or left management consulting, which means that she would beat out like 99% of other people. So she has that filtration already and as she was just stellar with the first clients so I continued to send her more until eventually she moved onto another position but it was that.

That’s how I think about it is when it; when it comes to hiring, I think about what are their values. Like values are so important to me is that if our values are not aligned, that I don’t care how skilled you are because there’s just more trouble coming to be. And in the skills, we test on the actual live project and in her case, the actual my project with a client nowadays, when people interview for the same coaching role, you have to go through and get basically mock coaching for a bunch of people in our organizations, now that we have that system built out. But, in the beginning, it’s kind of like the startup days, you’re just trying to– there are fires everywhere and you’re just trying to put them out. So, my joke was that like the CEO is basically Chief Extinguisher Officer.

Adrian: That a good one.

Jonathon: Yeah, I think the point you’re making really resonates with me because yesterday I was listening to a video from Shane of the CO, joint found of [inaudible24:14], and Shane’s been on the show and I’m trying to get him to come back on the show and he’s one of these entrepreneur’s that I always listen to his videos. And he was talking about his ten years has been [inaudible24:27] and building [inaudible24:29] from nothing to over a hundred people. And he was saying that he built it with partners. He said he always felt happier with partners, and then he said he always chose partners that were successful. And the main thing that he looked for from a partner, was work ethic; somebody that was prepared to put the work in like him. And he said if that person didn’t have the same kind of work ethic, it was never going to work out, and I think in some ways you’re saying that, aren’t you Davis?

Davis: Absolutely, work ethic is one of the things that we look for. It’s like we’re literally Saturday night at a tattoo parlor and I’m calling you and you’re answering these questions through the– or on LinkedIn messenger. So just all that is like, I do look for work ethic because if you think about the people, so for example, the people I interview, if they’re not willing to go through the 10 minimum hours of pre-interview stuff before they even get to the interview process, I know they’re not going to be able to put it into work that makes our clients so successful. And it’s the same thing with our projects and I’ve kind of spell things out for anyone who’s applied for future roles here. But everyone gets a project to do and the project isn’t easy. It’s not something that you sit down for 30 minutes and do, it’s actually something that you have to sit down and think. And you can really tell people who are just nice to have people who are like really want this and they’re just rock star work ethic and they really care about feedback. And so you have to send me the podcast with Shane. I’m a huge fan of Shane and had a chance to hear him speak at a conference probably about a year ago, and he’s just a stellar leader.

Jonathon: He is, isn’t he? He’s one of the few– I was going to say the few people, but there are a lot of people in WordPress, but have always admired his insights; over to you Adrian.

Adrian: So let’s talk a little bit about the transition from doing everything pretty much manually and zoom calls and emails and all that stuff to starting to formalize a program and putting it into membership and whatnot. Let’s talk about where that process started and how you actually went about doing that.

Davis: Absolutely. So I’ll tell you a couple of things, which is that I am one of those things where the way to describe it is, when I had that medical bill that I needed to pay off, it was kind of like me being a stranded on an Island. I’m just going to build a boat out of whatever I can get. And a lot of this is going to be me taking a bucket and throwing the water out. But later on, you realize, all right, there are certain parts that you need to build out. And so in the beginning, for example, people were emailing me and I needed a way to respond to them. So my first website, technically was actually a Google form, so I just redirect it straight to a Google form that you fill out and it just sends me an email to respond back to you if you are qualified to be in our program and so forth, so there’s still no membership site.

So then now at least now I have a lead qualification process of a type form or Google form. Eventually, a year later it’d be a type form, a little bit nicer. And then we started building things out from there where for example, one day I was making introductions between our community group, we were putting it on an email list and I realized, okay, we need to move this up. Okay, we need some sort of site; Facebook group, throw me in a Facebook group, which was later it will be part of our membership site. But at the time I was just like, every time there was a pressing need where I realized I’m doing things manually that can be better off automatic that is when things started clicking for me. For example, when people were having problems trying to find the videos on Google drive, I was like, all right, well sorry Shane, if you’re listening to this one, I tried [inaudible28:05] but then Elementor I try to kind of beat them out for what we were looking for. And so we took WordPress to buy it with Elementor and we were able to build out our community and eventually build out a process so that when someone onboards we could just give them like a login and it could just go in and so forth.

Versus before we would have to, all right, so you’ll want to go to this Google drive here, give you access here, share, this is where you find everything, right. So it’s like slowly over time replacing the ship that was made out of coconuts with actual real wood and things like that, and we’re continuing to do that today. So that’s where I started; starting with the membership building and everything we needed. So even today we still build things at peace versus building this perfect, perfect that’s like for example, our testimonial page right now is crashing because there’s this– even on Kinsta, it’s just so fast. Like finally we have to actually–

Adrian: I was going through it; you have a significant number of videos that load on that page.

Davis: Yeah, in the beginning, like no one taught me that there’s something called lazy loading or anything like that or statics, so I’m just like, Hey, just put all the videos there. It’s like whatever. And then one day I’m like, is our site always this slow? We’re on Kinsta; I’m paying good money here. What’s going on? So I hit up Kinsta, and I was like you know, you need like infinite scroll. You need lazy loading, so they were on it and then so we built it out. And even now it’s still slow so we’re actually transitioning to the next level with a bunch of other WordPress plugins and other things that we’re building in. But yeah, we have close to a hundred videos now of testimonials and they basically, I don’t automate something until it starts crashing and it’s like burning my time. So [inaudible29:40] our first customer service, our customer service team, they’d build out until I was answering it like two hours of customer service emails. And now we have an entire team that does that. So that is the pain point of Davis, is that I don’t hire until it just hurts me to continue on.

Adrian: You know there’s something to be said for that though, and we talk about this point, at least on every single– I think on every single episode that we do. And it’s that so many people fail to launch or fail to grow and fail to do all of these things because their mindset is that it needs to be perfect before they show it to somebody before they start collecting money. And it’s backward because you should really be focusing on, all right, well, you know, in order to have this business to actually be successful, I need to collect money and I should be able to do that with the most bare-bones basic minimal viable process; even if it’s just doing everything by email and manually. If you can’t do it manually, then putting all of these different pieces together is really just a monumental waste of time. I think the lesson here, and we reiterate this every single time, it’s that you do not need to have it perfect before you start making money.

You can do the most basic minimum viable process, Google form, Google drive, you know, unlisted YouTube videos, whatever, and you’ll still be able to grow and make viable business regardless if you don’t have like the Lifter LMS or the WordPress or Kinsta, or Elementor and all that stuff. Because a lot of times that stuff really just gets in the way of innovation and making great products and allowing you to help people. A lot of the time I see people who think that the products that they use are their solution, which is kind of counterintuitive. They think that their idea is overshadowed by the great things that software and automation can do and it prevents them from ever actually sharing their core genius and their core value.

Jonathon: I think that’s great. I’m going to wrap up the podcast part of the show. Are you okay staying on Davis with a bit of bonus content? We’ve got some more questions

Davis: Absolutely, happy to answer any questions.

Jonathon: It’s been a great interview. So Davis, how can people find out more about what you are up to and what your company’s up to?

Davis: Absolutely. I’m super easy to find as in, I’m on LinkedIn, but if you want to email me, it’s just and is just the site, my personal blog, as well. I’ll send those on the show notes and everything else as well. But yeah, I’m super easy to find, is that I think I make myself too available. Maybe one day I’ll figure out an automated process for that too, but for now, it hasn’t killed me yet.

Adrian: Chatbot.

Davis: Yes, I’ve thought about that. I’ve thought about chatbots, especially of all actually next value, I guess technically if I remember correctly this month they’re starting to charge for that, so I probably should get in.

Jonathon: Alright Adrian, how can people find out more about what you are up to and what your company’s up to?

Adrian: So if you’re like Davis here and you’re currently struggling from too many manual processes and you are at your wit’s end of how to make your life easier and you’re not necessarily ready to invest in employees or some more serious marketing automation tools, you can go to Groundhogg with two Gs dot io. We have a WordPress plug-in, a suite of marketing automation and sales tools designed to save you time, save you money, and put out the fires in your sales process. So again, you can go to to find out more about that.

Jonathon: And if you want to support the show, go to the WP-Tonic website and sign up for our monthly newsletter. We revamped it. It’s got a lot more mixture of entrepreneurship around e-learning with WordPress, plus all the best plugins that we recommend during the month. It’s going to be a great resource. Plus you can win a prize up to a hundred dollars. Anybody in the month that joins the newsletter, I’m going to choose one of them and they can win a prize. It might be slightly over $100, probably going to announce that, not this Friday, but the following Friday, so it gives me time to approach the winner. And then if they don’t want it, to approach somebody else. We’ll see you next week folks with another great guest. See you soon folks, bye.


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