Getting Started With WP-Tonic

March 6, 2024

Course Information

Course Instructor

Kurt von Ahnen Kurt von Ahnen Author

Getting Started with WP-Tonic


Hey, this is Kurt with WP Tonic, and every great platform should have a “getting started with” type course to get people up to speed.


So WP-Tonic is hosting (+).  Hosting Plus gives you the tools you need to find success with your membership and learning sites for your organization, for your nonprofit, or for your healthcare industry site and as a course creator.

And when you go with someone like WP-Tonic with hosting (+)… Well, getting started is a little bit different than getting started with your own WordPress installation, and adding your own plugins, and trying to build everything yourself. So if you want to jump in with our Getting Started with WP-tonic Course and see how we lay out the site for you, get you that headstart, and get your rolling. Now is the time. 

We give you the details in this course on how to find your success with the platform as we build it for you. Have yourself a wonderful day and we’ll see you on the inside.

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