12 Study Tips For Online Learners: Succeed in your eLearning Course

October 29, 2021

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If you’re having a hard time learning and understanding topics from your online course, there are ways you can fix this and succeed in your eLearning course. There might be various reasons behind you not being able to efficiently complete your eLearning course from a poor studying environment to lack of motivation.

In this guide, we’ll discuss 12 study tips that can help you succeed in your eLearning course and enhance your learning experience.

12 study tips that help you succeed in your eLearning course

Here, we’ll go over 12 study tips that you should keep in mind when going through your eLearning course. This way, you can maximize your efficiency and succeed in your eLearning course.

#1. Decide on your goal

It’s important for you to always have a major goal in mind when first starting an eLearning course. You want to ask yourself questions such as:

  • What do you want to achieve? Do you want to master a specific skill?
  • Do you want to complete the course just to get a license or certification?
  • Or are you simply looking to expand your knowledge about a specific subject?

Asking yourself these questions will familiarize you with your goal when you first start your eLearning course. This way, you’ll have a clearer image of what you need to achieve and how it can be done. You always want to stick to your goals and have clear expectations in mind during the period of the eLearning course. As a result, you won’t be disappointed once the online course ends. Ideally, you always want to set realistic goals that are achievable by you and align with your main goal for the eLearning course. 


#2. Familiarize yourself with eLearning practices and expectations

One of the best things you could do before joining your eLearning course is to familiarize yourself with all eLearning practices and expectations. To get better at learning from the online course, you need to first understand how the specifics work.

For instance, you need to know how to attend meetings, log in to your account, or access and download documents. Such activities are crucial for attending any eLearning course so, whether you’re tech-savvy or not, you need to make sure you can do all of this stuff before you decide to join an online course.

Although it’s more of a convenient option than traditional classes, you are still expected to attend the eLearning program’s classes every day and focus on studying. This means that you have to attend a virtual classroom, work with other students seamlessly, and complete your assignments on time.

#3. Make sure your internet connection is stable

Make sure your internet connection is stable

Since all your classes are now online, you need to make sure your internet connection is stable and works during the eLearning session. If you don’t have a reliable internet connection, there’s a high chance you won’t be able to seamlessly attend your online class. This results in a poor learning experience for you and only wastes time and effort.

If you’re trying to understand an important concept and suddenly your internet connection goes out, it’s more likely that you’ll miss the rest of the lecture and not be able to understand the topic properly. This can get quite frustrating and cause a poor learning experience while also wasting your time and money.

In addition to this, it can be a huge problem when attending live events such as webinars and conferences during your eLearning course. Disconnecting also means that you won’t be able to join the webinars and conferences if you keep getting disconnected from the live events.

#4. Make a “study corner”

Make a study corner

Creating a study corner can help you maximize the efficiency of your eLearning course and help you succeed in it. In simpler words, a “study corner” refers to creating a dedicated study space. This is the space where everything you need to learn and study for your eLearning course is available to you.

However, choosing the ideal study corner can be a challenge as it purely comes down to the space you have. You need to consider things like the lighting, see if there are any distractions, make sure you have adequate supplies for your study sessions, and the ergonomics when finding the ideal study corner.

#5. Make a study plan

Make a study plan

Planning out all the work before doing it is a great way to make sure you don’t miss anything. This is why study plans offer a simple solution for planning all the work you need to do to successfully learn and finish your online course.

It’s a simple yet efficient way of keeping you on track, especially if you have little time. This way, you can create a time management strategy and stick to it throughout your online course.

You can also include a weekly or monthly schedule with dates in your study plan. This way, you can set achievable goals on various dates and stick to them because you don’t want to delay completing your online course. Additionally, including a to-do list in your study plan is also a great way to keep yourself updated on what your next step should be.

#6. Take a break when you need it

 Take a break when you need it

Taking care of your health plays an important role in succeeding in your eLearning course. It’s important for you to never exhaust yourself just because you’re trying to achieve your goal by a specific time. This does more harm than good as you will most likely exhaust yourself and increase the chances of feeling burnout.

Taking regular breaks between your study sessions can help enhance the learning experience. For instance, you can create study sessions and divide your day into multiple study sessions. You can study for 30 minutes and then take a short 10 minutes break afterward. This helps you avoid eye strain and headaches while also making sure you succeed in your eLearning course without damaging your health.

#7. Make the best out of online resources

Make the best out of online resources

There are plenty of online resources that you can use to your advantage to enhance the learning experience of your eLearning course. You can research and read about your online course’s topics on various magazine sites online. There are also virtual tutors available to help you quickly solve problems and answer your questions.

Additionally, you have access to huge online libraries and various tools for checking plagiarism, checking spelling and grammar, and making sure you stay up-to-date with the latest news about your course topic.

#8. Make notes constantly

Make notes constantly

#9. Connect with like-minded people

Connect with like-minded people

Like-minded people can help you solve your problems, understand topics better, and boost the learning experience of your eLearning course. Ideally, you want to join online discussions or online communities as a way to connect to more people that have the same interests as you.

You can discuss topics that pique the interests of everybody in the community and help give you a different perspective on the topic. As a result, you’re more likely to better understand concepts and topics if you’re interacting with like-minded people who have the same interest as you.

#10. Eliminate any distractions

Eliminate any distractions

Studying is incredibly difficult if you’re dealing with constant distractions. You want to make sure you get rid of distractions such as text messages or calls and noises from around your study corner. Doing this can help enhance the learning experience and ensure you effectively use your time.

In addition to this, not being able to sleep properly can also become a distraction as you won’t be able to focus properly. Similarly, if you’re dealing with a personal stressful situation, it can be hard for you to forget about it and focus on studying and succeeding in the eLearning course.

#11. Ask for help when you get stuck

Ask for help when you get stuck

If you ever feel like you’re having a hard time understanding something or don’t have a clue about something, don’t be afraid to ask your teacher or the course instructor for help.

Instructors are there for a purpose and their job is to help you learn topics and concepts. So, don’t be embarrassed to ask for help – the teachers or instructors will be more than happy to help. Additionally, most online instructors also offer one-on-one coaching sessions or discussion boards to connect with their students more effectively.

Ideally, you always want to build a healthy relationship with your course instructor and have clear communication so that all of your concerns are heard and taken care of properly and on time.

#12. Keep yourself motivated

Keep yourself motivated

Motivation is key when it comes to succeeding in your eLearning course. You want to make sure you’re fully committed and motivated to achieve your major goals, even if things didn’t go as you expected and planned.

You need to make the habit of embracing your losses as much as you embrace your wins. In other words, this means that you need to understand that there will be less productive days than others. In addition to this, you can keep energy booster snacks like protein bars or corn chips to help you power through your study sessions.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q: What is online learning?

A: Online learning is a method of education where students can learn and complete coursework through virtual platforms, without traditional face-to-face interactions with instructors.

Q: Why should I consider online learning?

A: Online learning offers flexibility and convenience, allowing learners to access course material at any time and from any location.

Q: How can I be successful in online learning?

A: To be successful in online learning, it is important to develop effective study habits, set achievable goals, and maintain a consistent study routine.

Q: What are some study tips for online learners?

A: Here are 12 study tips for online learners to succeed in their eLearning courses:

  1. Create a dedicated study space.
  2. Set specific study goals.
  3. Establish a study routine.
  4. Stay organized.
  5. Eliminate distractions.
  6. Engage in active learning techniques.
  7. Collaborate with fellow online learners.
  8. Seek help when needed.
  9. Take regular breaks.
  10. Stay motivated.
  11. Review course material frequently.
  12. Stay connected with the online learning community.

Q: What should I do to make online learning work for me?

A: To make online learning work for you, it is important to stay organized, manage your time effectively, and actively participate in discussions and assignments.

Q: How can I approach online learning in a successful way?

A: Approaching online learning in a successful way involves having a positive attitude, being proactive, and taking advantage of the resources and support available to you.

Q: What can I do to stay on track in my online course?

A: To stay on track in your online course, you can set daily or weekly objectives and goals, create a study schedule, and regularly review your progress.

Q: How can online instruction help me stay engaged?

A: Online instruction can help you stay engaged through interactive features such as videos, quizzes, and online discussions, which promote active participation and knowledge retention.

Q: Can I join study groups in an online learning environment?

A: Yes, many online learning platforms provide options for students to join study groups or connect with classmates to collaborate and discuss course content.

Q: How can online learning benefit me as a student?

A: Online learning allows students to access course material anytime, anywhere, and at their own pace. It offers flexibility, convenience, and the opportunity to gain new knowledge and skills.


It can be a challenge for most online learners to succeed in their eLearning courses. However, by following the various tips mentioned above, you’ll be in a better position to succeed in your next eLearning course.

Do you know of any other study tips that can help online learners succeed in their eLearning course? Let us know in the comments box below.

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