
This week, we talk with Lee Jackson, host of the WP Innovator podcast. Lee is also the owner of a highly successful WordPress development agency that works exclusively with other digital agencies.

Lee shares his extensive knowledge of the web industry and agency life. He points out some mistakes many digital agencies are making.

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In this episode, Lee tells us how he got his start in agency life, and he he founded Lee Jackson Dev, a WordPress agency for design agencies. Lee shares how he goes through the discovery, brief writing, and consulting phases with his clients, and how he earned the trust to be able to sit in on client meetings.

We talk about what Lee looks for hen hiring people, and the radical thing he does to find and develop talent. Our interview with Lee touches a lot on the business of running an agency, and practical tips for preventing scope creep and winning work. There’s a ton of knowledge being dropped in this episode, so you won’t want to miss it.

Full Transcript of Episode 145

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