Learning WordPress as a Beginner

A lot of WordPress development involves PHP, HTML, CSS, JS, MySQL – but what if you don’t know what any of this even means yet? Where do you go to learn WordPress if you’re still a beginner?


Our episode this week is sponsored by Liquid Web. Liquid Web is offering a 33% discount for 6 months. Head over to LiquidWeb.com/wordpress and use the code WPTONIC33 at checkout for your discount.


YouTube video

This Weeks Panel

Bridget Willard: from WordImpress

Kim Shivler: from White Glove Web Training

John Locke: from Lockedown SEO

Jonathan Denwood: from WP-Tonic.com


Links Mentioned During the Show



WPShout – Up and Running


Digging Into WordPress

WordPress Training and Tutorials on Lynda.com

Designing with Web Standards

The #ASKGARYVEE Audiobook Ch. #17: Self Awareness

The WP Crowd


WordPress Essentials Course – (Online starting April 19th, 2017)

Flexbox Froggy

Hello Dolly

WP Beginner


WordPress Codex


CSS Zen Garden

WordPress Training – OS Training

WordPress is not easy, and that’s OK

WordPress: Harder Than You Think

Inspect Element in Firefox, Chrome, or IE

Easy WP Guide


Join us every Friday at 9am PST and be part of our live show. You can call in to ask WordPress questions and be part of the discussion.

To see a list upcoming shows go to https://wp-tonic.com/blab/.

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