WordPress Design and Color

This week’s round-table gathered to discuss Design Elements for your WordPress website including selecting a color scheme, and fonts. Sallie Goetsch, Adam Preiser, Kim Shivler, and special guest Amanda McCoy  joined host Jonathan Denwood for a lively discussion with plenty of links to resources to help you with your own site.


Our episode this week is sponsored by INTELLIGENCEWP.Finally, an analytics plugin that provides valuable metrics and results that increase your leads.INTELLIGENCEWP.

Amanda McCoy spoke at WordCamp Sacramento 2017 on color palette selection, so we invited her along to share some insights. She works in both web and print design, and likes to select colors that fit the project. If you take a look at her website, you’ll see what she means. Her portfolio shows plenty of examples where the colors set the tone of her message. She also says to keep it simple for your website. You only need a few colors.

Adam has several tutorials on fonts and colors. One of his pet peeves is when he can tell, at a glance, what WordPress theme people are using because they haven’t taken the time to change default fonts and colors.

YouTube video

The group also covered the difference between free fonts and copyrighted professional fonts. Make sure that you are using a free font or have paid the licensing fee if you are using a professional font.

Resources to help with fonts and color palettes:

Type wolf – a site dedicated to what’s happening in the world of type.

Font pair helps designers pair Google fonts.

More Meaningful Typography by Tim Brown is an article explaining how to successfully use typography. It is published on the site A List Apart.

The Elements of Typographic Style Applied to the Web. A practical guide to web typography.

Practical Color Theory for People Who Code

Color in UI Design: A (Practical) Framewory by Erik D. Kennedy on Medium

Color Theory 101: A Beginner’s Guide to Complementary Colors, RGB, and More by Caroline Mercurio on Storyblocks

Open Color – an open-source color scheme

Our Regular Panel of WordPress Experts

Adam Preiser: from WPCrafter

Sallie Goetsch: from WP Fangirl

Morten Rand-Hendriksen: from Lynda.com

Jackie D’Elia: from Jackie D’Elia Design

Lee Jackson: from Angledcrown.com

Kim Shivler: from White Glove Web Training

John Locke: from Lockedown SEO

Jonathan Denwood: from WP-Tonic.com

Mendel Kurland: from GoDaddy

What don’t you join us on Facebook every Friday at 9 am PST and be part of our live show where you can a be part of the discussion? https://www.facebook.com/wptonic/

To also see a list of upcoming Friday & Wednesday shows during the month go here. https://wp-tonic.com/blab/

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