On episode 252 of the WP-Tonic Roundtable, host Jonathan Denwood was joined by Brain Jackson, Tom McCracken, John Locke, Mendel Kurland, Morten Rand-Hendriksen, and Chris Badgett.
This week’s sponsor is IntelligenceWP, a plugin that helps make more sense out of the information you receive from Google Analytics.
The main topic of the day covered Affiliate Marketing. Can you make money doing this and should you have an affiliate program for your own products?
If you have an affiliate program, the top 5% affiliate earners make you all your money. The key is finding that 5% of affiliates. These are people who love and believe in your product and take the time to market it.
Technically affiliate programs are free other than the time to monitor them. Compare this to Pay Per Click marketing that can easily become expensive without the return. With affiliates, you only pay after there is a purchase.
Brian Jackson mentioned that he not only has an affiliate program for Kinsta web hosting, he also participates as an affiliate on his blog. He only promotes products that he uses and likes.
Jonathan asked if you can have success even if you don’t use and love the products you recommend. The team agreed that there are some marketers who are good at marketing and know SEO and may be able to promote a larger number of products successfully whether they use them or not.
Success as an affiliate marketer requires a lot of work, but you can make good money if you are willing to do the work.
Brian Jackson Chief Outbound Marketing Officer at Kinsta WordPress Hosting . Brian also runs two successful WordPress plugin businesses with this brother Perfmatters and WP-Coupons. Also Brian runs a highly successful WordPress and marketing information website that gets over 40 visitors per month Woorkup.
Our episode this week is sponsored by INTELLIGENCEWP.Finally, an analytics plugin that provides valuable metrics and results that increase your leads.INTELLIGENCEWP.

This Weeks WordPress News We Discuss This Week 1 – Matt Mullenweg “State of the Word 2017”
2 – Gutenberg and The Impacts It’ll Have on the WordPress Business Ecosystem
By Tony Perez
Gutenberg and The Impacts It’ll Have on the WordPress Business Ecosystem
3 – You Shouldn’t Put All Your Eggs In The WordPress Basket – Interviewing CreativeMinds CEO, David Rashty
This Weeks Panel of WordPress Experts
Morten Rand-Hendriksen: from Lynda.com
Jackie D’Elia: from Jackie D’Elia Design
John Locke: from Lockedown SEO
Jonathan Denwood: from WP-Tonic.com
Mendel Kurland: from GoDaddy
Chris Badgett: fromLIFTERLMS
Brian Jackson: from Kinsta Hosting
Tom McCracken: from INTELLIGENCEWP
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