#328 WP-Tonic Round-Table Show: Friday the 14th September, 2018

We have a great regular panel and a special guest Rachel Cherry. We discuss latest release of WordPress 4,9,9 and how this might effect the release date of Gutenberg. Then we talk about Rand Fishkins recent presentation at the INBOUND conference 2018.

This weeks show is Sponsored By Kinsta Hosting 

1 – WordPress 4.9.9 Release Focus Items Include Site Health Project and Gutenberg Preparation


2 – Rand Fishkin: My Presentation from INBOUND 2018 Might Make You a Better Entrepreneur

My Presentation from INBOUND 2018 Might Make You a Better Entrepreneur

3 – What if Wix really is better than WordPress?


4 – A Brief Guide About Competitive Analysis


5 – How to Use Your Website to Attract Millennials

How to Use Your Website to Attract Millennials

Every Friday at 8:30am PST we have a great and hard-hitting round-table show with a group of WordPress developers, online business owners and WordPress junkies where we discuss the latest and most interesting WordPress and online articles/stories of the week. You can also watch the show LIVE every Friday at 8:30am PST on our Facebook WP-Tonic Show page. https://www.facebook.com/wptonic/

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