#378 WP-Tonic Round-Table Show Friday the 15th of March, 2019 at 8:30am PST.

We interesting show here with a special guest panelist on this week’s show “Brian Jackson” of Kinsta and WoorKup. Brian is a friend of the show and has been on the panel before and aslo is a well-known member of the WordPress community. I asked Brian to join the penal this week because he has recently written a great post called “My 5 Biggest Failures as a Marketer and Entrepreneur (Cost Me 15 Years)” what I like about this piece is points out that most overnight success is really built on many years of either training or failure or both.

Also, there seem to a load of adverts on YouTube promoting different online marketing schemes that will make you load of money quickly with what they call a “turnkey online marketing solution.” unfortunately in my view these schemes are mostly a con.

YouTube video

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1 – WordPress Explores Proposal for New Block Directory to Host Single Block Plugin


2 – Mark Ritson: For the first time big tech faces a credible threat of breakup


3 – My 5 Biggest Failures as a Marketer and Entrepreneur (Cost Me 15 Years)


4 – The web we broke.


This Weeks Panel tips and product recommendations

Jonathan: VooPlayer – https://vooplayer.com/

Sallie: Visme –  https://www.visme.co/

Chris: VidIQ –  https://vidiq.com/

Spencer: Enable Media Replace https://wordpress.org/plugins/enable-media-replace/

Our Regular Panel Members

Morten Rand-Hendriksen: from LindedIn.com

Sallie Goetsch: from WP Fangirl

John Locke: from Lockedown SEO

Jonathan Denwood: from WP-Tonic.com

Chris Badgett : from LifterLMS

Spencer Forman: from WPLaunchify

Matt Medeiros: from Matt Report Podcast


Every Friday at 8:30am PST we have a great and hard-hitting round-table show with a group of WordPress developers, online business owners and WordPress junkies where we discuss the latest and most interesting WordPress and online articles/stories of the week. You can also watch the show LIVE every Friday at 8:30am PST on our Facebook WP-Tonic Show page. https://www.facebook.com/wptonic/

#378 WP-Tonic Round-Table Show Friday the 15th of March, 2019 at 8:30am PST. was last modified: by