We Discuss All Things Video For The Course Creator

The abundance of video content that’s being produced and consumed daily is indicative of a major shift happening in a variety of online industries. It’s not just what you’re talking about anymore – it’s also how you’re presenting it to your audience.

If you’re an entrepreneur who happens to create lots of videos for your business on your own, there are fundamental steps to produce high-quality videos with products that don’t cost a fortune and don’t have a steep learning curve. That’s where Blackmagic Design comes in, with highest quality, affordable equipment for professional use like the Blackmagic Pocket Cinema Camera 4K at only $1,295 and DaVinci Resolve Studio, a professional editing software available for free!

YouTube video

This weeks show is Sponsored By Kinsta Hosting

Jonathon: Welcome back folks to the WP Tonic show. This is episode 395 I think this is going to be a really great show and a really interesting show. We’ve got a real expert. I got Bob Caniglia. I totally butchered his name. But I think he is gonna forgive me. And he comes from Black Magic. The producers of some amazing equipment in the video camera. And also video and also in the video editing world. Bob thanks for coming on the show. Would you like to quickly introduce yourself to the listeners and viewers?

Bob: Yeah, sure. Hi, I’m Bob Caniglia. I’m the director of sales operations for Black Magic. I actually came to Black Magic almost 10 years ago from Davinci. So during that acquisition, as I always say that I was the youngest guy in sales at Davinci and became the oldest guy Black Magic overnight.

Jonathon: You still look young.

Bob: Thanks. I try. Yeah. 10 years later. Here we are and they’ve made several acquisitions since but we’ve got lots of toys now for everybody.

Jonathon: That’s what I’m looking forward to discussing all the toys. And I’ve got my great cohost Cindy. Like to introduce yourself Cindy?

Cindy: Sure. Thanks Jonathan. Hi everyone, Cindy Nicholson here from www.thecoursewhisperer.com. And I help people who are looking for some additional help on creating their online courses.

Jonathon: And we are going to be discussing cameras, video editing. If you’re into producing courses, what kind of beginning rig you should look at. And as you progress in your business, what other equipment you should be looking at to upgrade your processes. But before we get into this great discussion, I just want to mention great main sponsors and that’s Kinsta Hosting. And what is Kinsta Hosting? Kinsta Hosting only specializing in WordPress hosting. And they do a superb job. So if you’ve got a course or you’ve got ecommerce or anything that needs really better hosting. Kinsta are the people that you should be looking at. They’ve been sponsoring the show for almost two years. There are our major sponsors. They’re just great people and they have a great interface. And the main thing folks are they provide excellent 24 seven support.

So if there is a problem with your hosting, you have true experts to talk to. I cannot recommend them more. They host the WP Tonic website and I’ve been totally happy with them. So onto the discussion Bob. So video is just getting more and more importance in the eLearning sector in general. YouTube is just keeps on expanding. Now if you’re in the eLearning area and you looking to start your first course. And videos going to be big part of it, what kind of solutions or rig should you be looking at?

Bob: Yeah. So obviously a good camera, a good microphone. Like for instance, right now we also have a product called the web per center. And that’s a product where you can plug in a camera and a microphone into it and then plug that into your computer. And instead of using the built in Webcam, you can use, a different camera. S for instance, right now that’s what I’ve done here. So I have a mini pro hooked up and microphone and then feed that into my computer. And then basically the computer gives you a selection of either your internal camera or the web presenter. Because the web presenter just looks like a Webcam to all the software.

Jonathon: So that’s gonna be a really easy way if you decide that you are going to use actual cameras to record rather than a Webcam? Because obviously you got Logitech. And you got the hire end web cams that can do four k. But then you’ve got the decision if you can move away from a Webcam to an actual DL camera. What are some of the benefits of using the external camera then Bob?

Bob: Well, a lot of people that they wind up doing is using multiple cameras.

Jonathon: Yeah. Oh yeah. I get what you mean.

Bob: Yes. Yeah. So we have solutions. We have these small cameras called micro studio cameras. It’s pricey compared to webcams obviously, but compared to what four k broadcast cameras cost, they’re a fraction of the price. So for instance, its $1,295 for the camera and then you have to put a lens on it. But what I’ve seen is even people that stream gaming. Dungeons and dragons gaming, they’ll have three or four cameras around the playing area. And then they have one of our switchers where are you plugging the cameras into the switcher. And then you can select which camera’s going to go on the output. And then what you do is you put that output to the web presenter. Ultimately it looks like a Webcam, Facebook or any of the other services.

But in the end, really what you’re doing is you’re switching multiple four k cameras, through this little box and into the other box. If you had two cameras, say two cameras there are $1295, each service switcher is 995. We have some others, but you start basic and then the web presenter is 495. For a few thousand dollars, you can get some really good quality equipment that will give you solutions for live streaming. And then we have a recorder so you can record the two cameras and maybe edit it for posts later. We see a lot of people that do that kind of work for Davinci resolve training for instance. So they’ll record separate streams of the presenter, the output of the computer. And then do cut it later to impose to put it out for training services on the web.

Cindy: So our audience tends to be course creators. I help people with those courses. And I come across a number of people who are hesitant to doing video as part of either their marketing or part of their courses. So speaking to somebody who lives in the industry. Like why is it so important? Or what should I tell my clients? Like why it’s so important to have video as part of how they market themselves?

Bob: Well, what I think is interesting, I mean today, if somebody says, I need to learn how to, I don’t know, pick anything, and change a faucet. What’s the first thing they do? They Google that. They go to YouTube. They watch the video. If they Googled it and all they can find was a list of instructions, would they do it? No, they wouldn’t do it. If we think about our daily lives, we look at video all day long, whether it’s on television or on online or whatever, in our own daily use, let alone in our business use. So when you’re able to present. I started making commercials back in the 80s when you had a shoot on three quarter inch tape and they look terrible. And we used to make those low budget commercials for the Chevy dealers and all those kinds of places.

And the qualities of the cameras then were just terrible. You either shot film, which was expensive and only done really for national commercials. Are you shot video and it looked like bad video. Today we have a camera, its $1295 that will shoot four k on an SD card. And you know the stuff looks better than half the movies that are out there. So that kind of quality level is right away. So that way people aren’t judging you by the camera you used. They are then judging you by the content you provide. And that’s what your people, that’s what they’re doing. They’re creating good content. And then to be able to record it on a decent camera so it doesn’t look like they’re using, somebody VHS camcorder from the eighties or something. Then you’re really, it’s just going to look that much better. You mentioned resolve as our free software that we have.

Actually comes with the full version. The studio version comes with these cameras with the Black Magic pocket, similar camera four k is the one I was talking about. And so this software we just added this new cut page and it resolves 16 that people go and download. It is really designed for getting things in and out quickly. So you shoot stuff, you bring it in there, you’ve cut the clips up and then you can actually post to YouTube directly from the cut page. So it couldn’t be any simpler.

Cindy: Yeah, it’s true. I would say the access to being able to do something of good quality is just so much better these days. So that you don’t have that barrier to entry to kind of get that done. So that’s a good point. Jonathon?

Jonathon: So I think a lot people, the first thing they got to decide is they probably gonna it depends. Because you got a lot of people start a course or go to professional video, local video professional and get it done one or two days. That costs a lot of money and then they’re going to have to produce video if they are going to produce the next course or up fresh that course. So they’re going to have to get involved in doing their own video. So you mentioned, what about lights and sound. How important are those to get? And you got any recommendations about resources you learn a bit about it?

Bob: It’s funny, I brought up YouTube of a minute ago. If you go online, you can find a lot of tutorials to get you started on a lot of those things. In terms of, there are a lot of people that have done reviews on microphones explaining condenser versus those kinds of things. So I would definitely look at that. Lighting is not quite as important I think as the camera and the audio. I mean, let’s face it, audio, it’s funny because when you really think about audio is more important to television than the video signal. In a sense of that it’s tough to, unless you’re watching a sporting match, but you can’t follow a drama if you’re, if you can’t hear the audio. So your audio has to be clean and clear.

And there are plenty of tools for that. That’s really easy. If you’re only doing audio just to start, I mean, just recording it into your laptop. There’s plenty of free software that comes with depending on which platform you’re using, those things are there. And as I said earlier, like with our web presenter, you can plug in one of your old cam quarters into it and use that camera rather than the camera that’s built into the computer. Because sometimes if you’re just using the one that’s built into the laptop you’re not going to get such great quality. Or you’re gonna have to be standing over the laptop all the time. So there are just some, so many options these days that are a little bit more budget friendly. But also just increasing the quality because at the end of the day, it’s like anything. You want to, if you’re going to put out video content, you want to make it look good, otherwise you’re going to, you’ll turn people off before they even start to listen to it.

Jonathon: Yeah. Because I suppose what we are talking about here is really you can start off with a traditional screencasts when you’re like this. And you got a mic. And then you can use some form of editing software Yugio or screen flow to edit it. But then you are probably going to get a green screen. And you’re probably going to want to standup and then cut that in with some screenshots. Aren`t you? So that’s when you probably look at the rig that we’ve just talked about. Would I be right Bob?

Bob: If you want to do a green screen. And it’s funny because oftentimes when I set this up, I’ll put a green screen behind me. See the picture of the Grand Canyon or something. Just so people wonder where you are. And one time I actually put the picture of the front of our booth from nab, which is a monster boots. And I put that behind me and they were confused. They thought I had that built in my office. But with the green screen and that little switcher I was talking about before at 9$95 that has a chrome key are built in. So you could actually green screen live, which is what I used that day. So you can actually, you don’t even have to do it in post. You can do it live to tape or live out to, stream it to your fans. So the options are so enormous these days. I mean when I was in college, we were supposed to get a new switcher my senior year and they have the $60,000 budget and all this stuff. And then when I got back my freshman, beginning of the senior year, I said, where’s the switcher? And they said, oh, they built a swimming pool.

The swimming pool is actually still there. That analog switcher would be in the trash somewhere. But that kind of budget was just for one piece that basically that $995 switcher does 10 times more than that switcher is going to cost us $60,000. So tools today are just amazing.

Jonathon: Back to you Cindy.

Cindy: Yeah. It is so incredible how much more affordable and accessible things are for sure. So in terms of, I guess it could be both marketing and the creating the course itself. What kind of, I don’t know how I can phrase it here. What kind of, what can people do with their video over just kind of doing this screen casting here? Like, how can they enhance the videos that they’re creating with other things given the options that you have available at your company?

Bob: Sure. So if they’re going to do production work on it, meaning if they’re gonna record it. And then if they bring it into resolve, not only can they edit it, well we also have visual effects. And so you can add in all kinds of fancy titles. Now you can create your own that are very complex plot. What we did add is a whole host of templates. So there’s, I don’t know maybe 30 different templates that flying over the shoulder or it doesn’t. And they describe what they do and then you go in, you just change the name, change the colors and boom you customize it for you. And when you add graphics like that, it draws attention and it keeps people interested. And so those kinds of tricks are real easy to do. I remember when I make commercials, like I said, way back when.

I learned that people tend to be drawn to colors like red, black and gold. It shows that those are our colors, that people tend to attribute to hi quality and fancy stuff. Personally blacks and gold’s and things like that. So I remember I was doing a commercial for a driving range that was going to open soon. We had no footage of it, so all I did was graphics that said coming soon, the new driving range or whatever. But I just did it basic gold over black and it was real simple and everybody thought it was great. But all it was a little bit of music and a voiceover that said coming soon, the new driving range or whatever. But it’s the colors and audio is another thing.

Even some background music, even if you’re just putting it at the beginning to welcome people. Those little touches are real easy to do. You can get free music easily. There’s a lot of public domain music that you can use. And when you add those kinds of things, if they’re really easy to do and resolve. And it’s just, you’re really gonna, you’re polishing up your, your whole course by adding the graphics. You can tell people where to find you. And all you’re Facebook and Twitter and all those kinds of accounts.

Cindy: Yeah. No, it’s, it’s true. It may look hard to do but again, the software nowadays pretty easy to add those finishing touches to make it look more polished. For sure.

Bob: Any question you’ll find the answer.

Cindy: That’s true.

Jonathon: We are going to go for our break folks. We will be back in a few moments, folks. And we will be delving into this world of video production, and editing to build up a real online course business. Back in a few moments.

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Jonathon: We are coming back. We have been delving with Bob from Black Magic. It’s amazing the amount of value offering, the free version, but you’re up against some really major competitors now Final Cart, Premiere Pro. Why is the company decided to keep updating it? So it`s really amazing value and you’ve got the pro version. Why have you decided to keep it? Because like I said you’re up against two really enormous gorillas in the market. Why keep Davinci going? And why does it hurt the company? Because it’s quite amazing value. Isn’t?

Bob: Well yeah, Davinci resolve originally color correction only. And to this day Davinci resolve as a color corrector is still the top color correction software out there. And over time we added editing. A lot of it was to round trip out of the other programs as you say. The other editorial programs you can round trip into resolve back and forth so that you can do the final color grading and resolved. So as those tools became expanded over time, eventually we had a full nonlinear editor in there. At the same time, we also added fair light audio cause we bought the fair light company. We bought fusion visual effects that bought that company. And so we added that in there too. So now it’s got a whole hosted. Now one of the things about resolve is resolved as sort of at the cornerstone of our whole company.

In the sense that we have lots of products that people tie into resolve. So if you want an input output device, we make those. If you’re going to record, we make records, and we make cameras obviously. And the cameras science that we need to get the best images that a camera for color grading, we need that and resolve. As do all the other manufacturers of high end cameras. So whether you’re talking about Ari or red or cannon or any of those guys, Sony, they all have Davinci resolve software. That they send us the keys to their color science so that we can, do the best job we can with their footage. So the resolve is sort of at the cornerstone of a whole industry.

We deal with almost every manufacturer that makes anything to do with color grading, editing cameras, whatever. It’s all kind of ties in there. It’s like a Swiss army knife. Even people that don’t use it for editing usually have resolved, either do the color grading or just to do data management to get things in and out. To make copies of different formats, things like that. The free version obviously is out there to get people involved. I mean, when resolve is just color rating and the systems were $500,000 apiece. There were probably a hundred people in the world that ever used one. Today there are millions of people that use it. So it grows from that. The camera’s all come with the full versions so that helps. And we do sell control panels and we sell, we have a new editing keyboard that’s coming out the end of the summer. And so there’s a lot of hardware that kind of goes around the software monitors. So in the end it’s sort of. It’s just a product that leads to other products for us purchase wise, but also it is integral to the entire workflow.

Jonathon: Yeah. Do you agree with this one? The reason why I wanted Bob on the show, Cindy, is I don`t know if you agree with this Cindy. Is that when people start their first online course business and they get success. They either have to get an assistant or. It is going to be essential part of the course build out. Isn’t it Cindy producing video. And you rapidly keep going to a third party to do the videos. It will just get too expensive. So you are going to look at building a kind of internal studio, aren’t you Cindy?

Cindy: Yeah, well I think you got to start somewhere. And the resolve software, like the free version sounds like a great place to start. And especially if you learn kind of that language, and you want to get more advanced than it allows you to take that route if you want to. But it’s great to be able to have a free version to start with. And I always if you eventually outsource things, I always still think it’s important to learn how to do this stuff yourself at first. And then you can get help later. So the free version has really great place to start for that, to get familiarity. And to just be able to do some things easily.

Jonathon: Bob I agree with you. I think especially in the editing where you have more than like, you’ve got like three cameras, three views of something really starts your, the quality of the editing and the presentation of the video read jumps a bit, doesn’t it?

Bob: Well, sure. Especially when you’re to show people something physically, what you’re doing operationally. They want to see, it from different angles so they can recreate it. So, like for instance, when people do training for resolve or we’ve done some training videos that we published on resolve. And it’ll change between a screenshot, the shot of the. Actual gooey. And then also the person talks or the person selecting keys or typing in numbers or whatever it is. But we have to change between a couple different angles so that people will get a full immersive feel for what is actually going on. Because otherwise sometimes you just stare at a screen and say, yeah, what, how are they doing this? Where are they on the control panel, those kinds of things.

Cindy: It’s funny, I was doing some work around the house today and had to go to YouTube to find out how to do it. And so being a consumer of content like that, you realize how important it is to get all of the angles. Don’t screw anything up. So I definitely appreciate that. So it sounds like you’ve been in the industry for a little while then Bob. Can you tell us about the evolution of video and kind of where you see video creation for the online world, where it might be going?

Bob: Well it’s interesting to me because as I said earlier, way back when video and film are so vastly different that it was, one was just terrible and one was phenomenal. As it’s caught up and less and less films are being shot on film and they’re shot digitally. The quality of these cameras and the prices has fallen so much that anybody can get a decent for a low cost. And then therefore it, their content is going to be good. Of course you still have to tell a better story, but that is something that wasn’t lacking before that it was the quality of the cameras. So your equipment, it’s not impeding your progress. And I think that’s important. The other thing is on the line, people are doing up to 4 K resolutions on a lot of these things online.

Now if you’re uploading something in four k, that’s fine. If you’re streaming it, you might want to consider not doing that so much because your bandwidth dependent. There’s no good thing if you’re going to be live and all people here that doesn’t do anyone any good. So, but eventually, look, I remember dial up was fast and then as we get on here we are with cable modems and whatnot. And eventually who knows what we’ll have in terms of bandwidth. But for now, if you can shoot at a high resolution and you can archive that publish, that’s great. And there are tools as they say, where you can record it in four k but you actually stream at 720 P so that you’re not hogging up bandwidth in a live event. So a lot of good options. And I think that it’s an exciting time because what we think of normal television or normal that is all gone out the window. There’s more content today than ever. And people can, the three of us can start our own TV station today. So I mean it’s just an interesting time. But the better your content looks, the more notice you’re going to get. So you do want to keep an eye on that because poor quality just gives people bad feeling from the start.

Cindy: So yeah, you notice it right away, that’s for sure. And I almost think now if that is more of a level playing field, it’s really the quality of your content that you create is going to be the key differentiator going forward sort of thing. Jonathan?

Jonathon: Yeah I totally agree with you there Bob. I don`t know when you do your surveys of your customers. Because I think there are a lot of educational institutes and colleges and private companies that are realizing. That they have to really get the kind of lead generation for their sales teams. They have to become an inbound marketer online and video and churning out a lot of video about their products. Their services are a way that they can produce content that will attract inbound leads, which they can give to their sales teams. This is something you’ll find that is increasing. A lot of companies realizing they’re gonna have to become a kind of content producers.

Bob: Yeah, absolutely. When you think about it, in the old days we had the yellow pages, and I don’t know how many people go to a phone book anymore. Probably not very many at all. But one of the indicators when you’d go to the phone book, if you’re going to look up a company as you’d like and you’d say, Oh, I wonder how their ad is, do they have a fancy ad in the yellow pages. Well video that’s what it’s doing for your online presence. So you want to be able to provide the person, because I get this all the time. Somebody will send me something. I don’t recognize the company. First thing I do is to look at the website. if I go to the website and it looks like it’s not very well polished. Or it doesn’t provide any good information than I think to me, well, they didn’t have the time to do that. Who can they be? So it’s a great way to put that best foot forward.

The other thing is, you can look a lot bigger then you actually are. By showing good content, good content doesn’t need 50 people. Good content can be done by one person or hiring somebody. And that’s the other thing. Sometimes people like to try and do everything themselves, but you don’t always have to do that. There are ways to find help. It’s not a terrible idea to enlist the help of a local university. See if they have any students that might want to hire. That’s how I started. I started making industrial videos. Secondly, when I was in college, I worked for this company. We would shoot industrial films and because I was cheap labor. But I learned a lot. So that’s an opportunity for people to.

Jonathon: Are you also seeing more and more kind of medium size companies between 50 a hundred people buying to the technology that you provide because they are looking to set up an in house engine of contact content production.

Bob: Our products go the whole gamut. We used to say that there is a pyramid and certain products were up at the top of the pyramid. All our products go up top and bottom of the pyramid. And what I find interesting is that people that buy our products for their businesses also see our products at their church. Or there was one time I talked to a guy who worked for a radio station in New York City. And they wanted to start simulcasting the radio station. So they gave him a bunch of our equipment and you didn’t really know what to do with it. So we went to the church and said, you guys have the same equipment. Can you show me how to do this? So it’s kind of come full circle. So that’s the thing. The familiarity with our product line kind of permeates people’s whole day. Whether it’s schools, churches, whatever.

So, I think that continues to grow and that’s why people think about us often. They’ll go, you know what, we have that stuff here, whether it’s people at a church saying we have it at work, or it’s people at work saying we have it at our church. So that kind of thing where schools or any of those things. So the price helps. I think that’s the biggest thing. Before we came along, things cost a lot more money than they do. And even myself when I joined, I said, why is it that low? It could be a little higher, but that’s not the point. Try and get as many products to as many people and empower as many people. So that budget is not the limit to their creativity.

Jonathon: Okay Cindy?

Cindy: So, in terms of video creation. Can you share an example or a story of one of your clients who may have been kind of breaking out into the online world? And has been using your products too to kind of create this online presence? Do you have a story you can share?

Bob: Not specifically. Although it’s funny, we find our privacy, we don’t have that. We sell through distribution. So what happens is we send our products to a single distributor in North America who then sells to the thousands of resellers who then sell to people. So getting that attachment is there. But what we find, I think is funny is all of a sudden we’ll be watching something. Oh, hey, that’s our stuff, I can tell. There’s a gamer who just build his new gaming room. And he does online from his new suite that he built in his house. And he’s pointing at all the products and it’s a bunch of Black Magic products. And I just laughed because it’s to the point where some of these product names are starting to become more household names then up in the broadcast business.

I mean I’ve gone through TSA before and I had a guy, I was wearing my shirt and the guy says, oh yeah, you guys make cameras. A friend of mine has one. And I was like, really? I had no idea that the TSA guy would know who I was. So it is interesting now a lot of people will stream there concerts. So there’s bands out there that a lot of them on tour that use a lot of Black Magic equipment and then they’ll simulcasts their shows. Jimmy Buffet I know for sure has it. And that’s kind of interesting to me, but what it is we’ve enabled people with a lot of the different pieces that we have to be able to get such good content at a fairly low price.

And it’s also enabled some of their content producers that you guys were mentioning earlier, where people go to them. So I’ve run into some studios and they’ll say, oh yeah, well we have three or four different studios. We have different products of yours, depending on which one it is. And it’s a multi camera shoot. We have this many of, it’s a single camera. We have this room. And he said, and it’s been able to help them offer services a lot less expensively than it would have 10, 15 years ago when awesome products were so high.

Cindy: Yeah. That’s awesome. It would be cool to see your products being used in other videos and stuff like that. That’s awesome.

Bob: We use to be on TV. That’s the funnier one.

Cindy: Yeah. That’s awesome.

Bob: So we’re watching a TV show and we go what, that`s one of our products.

Jonathon: I’m just to finish up the last question before we end the podcast. Because I think that’s the other factor that I like to touch on is live broadcasting, especially on social media, Facebook, YouTube and Instagram. There’s a host of channels now. I understand LinkedIn has a beta program to now live broadcasting. It does really in the course world I think now obviously with all these social platforms Bob they allow more viewers. So actually to be able to see a live feed. It’s a great way of publicizing a course to a new audience and promoting it. So would you agree with that? And also are you seeing more and more interest in live feeds basically?

Bob: Oh yeah, absolutely. And again it comes down to the quality thing where holding someone holding their phone. Is it something that’s going to capture one’s attention for a long period of time? Whereas if it was a proper shoot with a couple of cameras and you switched around to see different things, I think better work. I actually have a podcast scheduled coming up where they want to see. They want me to do a demo of our products during the podcast. And so in thinking about it I said, oh, let’s see, how am I going to do that? Ah, I know what I’ll do. I’ll set up a few cameras, I’ll set up the switcher, and I’ll run it all through there. I’ll turn it into my webcam with my web presenter. And basically they’ll get to see every change that I make. And it’ll be basically me doing a live demo for their stream.

Jonathon: I don`t know why I never thought if that. So we’re going to wrap up the show and folks. So Bob what’s the best way for people to find out more about you and Black Magic in general?

Bob: So you can see lots of videos on our website at www.blackmagicdesign.com.

Jonathon: Oh, that’s great. And Cindy, you had people can find out more about you and what you’re up to?

Cindy: They can visit thecoursewhisperer.com or come connect with me on LinkedIn.

Jonathon: And folks, if you want a free consultation, you’ve got fed up with Kajabi, teachable, the frustrations, and the limitations. And you want to expand your business to the next level. You go to the WP Tonic website and you can have a free chat with me. We can put you on the right road. We will be back next week with another fantastic guest interview. Giving you more knowledge so you can be more successful as an eLearning entrepreneur. We will be back soon folks. Bye.

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#395 WP-Tonic Discuss Video & Video Cameras With Special Guest Bob Caniglia of Blackmagic Design was last modified: by