#469 WP-Tonic Round-Table Show on Friday 14th of February, 2020 at 8:30am PST

1 – Awesome Motive Acquires the All in One SEO Pack Plugin


#2 – Wix reveals Editor X platform to answer “complex design needs”


#3 – The important lessons every designer should learn from the Iowa Caucuses


#4 – Musings about building websites out of (WordPress) blocks


#5 – Wacom drawing tablets track the name of every application that you open


#6 – WordCamp Asia Cancelled Due to COVID-19

WordCamp Asia Cancelled Due to COVID-19

YouTube video

Panel’s Recommendations of the Week

Jonathan Denwood: Termageddon: https://termageddon.com/

Chris Badgett : Free Course Creators Essentials Course by Groundhogg: https://academy.groundhogg.io/course/course-creator-essentials/

Spencer Forman: https://wordpress.org/plugins/browser-title-bar-animation/

Sallie Goetsch : https://wordpress.org/plugins/bulk-block-converter/

Vito Peleg: https://www.nostresswp.co/

Our Regular Panel Members

John Locke LockedownSEO.com
Sallie Goetsch wpfangirl.com
Chris Badgett lifterlms.com
Spencer Forman wplaunchify.com
Matt Medeiros MattReport.com
Adrian Tobey groundhogg.co
jonathan Denwood wp-tonic.com
Joe Casabona casabona.org

Every Friday at 8:30am PST we have a great and hard-hitting round-table show with a group of WordPress developers, online business owners and WordPress junkies where we discuss the latest and most interesting WordPress and online articles/stories of the week. You can also watch the show LIVE every Friday at 8:30am PST on our Facebook WP-Tonic Show page. https://www.facebook.com/wptonic/

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