How to Design a Successful Refresher Course

February 19, 2024


Refresher Training is a daunting concept. In this post, Jonathan dives into the idea of Refresher Training and how it can further the knowledge base and culture of your organization. 


Refresher Training: Boost Compliance & Employee Performance through Effective Online Courses

In today’s fast-paced work environment, employees must keep up-to-date with the latest industry best practices and compliance requirements. Refresher training ensures employees consistently improve their skills, knowledge, and performance. Companies can foster a culture of continuous learning and mitigate potential risks by periodically revisiting essential training topics, such as safety procedures, software updates, or regulatory changes.

Refresher training can be delivered through various methods, including online and virtual training sessions. Implementing an online training program is especially beneficial as it allows employees to access the training materials from any device and at any time that suits them. This ensures that training remains flexible and accessible, enhancing the program’s effectiveness. By conducting refresher training, organizations can ensure their training content aligns with best practices, employees comply with safety regulations, and their workforce remains well-equipped to meet current challenges.

Key Takeaways

  • Refresher training is essential for maintaining employees’ skills, knowledge, and compliance with industry standards.
  • Online training methods, such as courses and virtual sessions, make refresher training accessible and flexible for employees.
  • Implementing refresher training programs helps organizations mitigate risks and maintain a culture of continuous learning.

What Is Refresher Training?

What Is Refresher Training?

Refresher training is training to refresh employees’ knowledge and skills in a particular subject area or job function. This training often addresses changes in industry practices, regulations, or technology and helps employees maintain their expertise, ensuring they continue to work safely and effectively.

Refresher training can be delivered through various methods, such as online courses, in-house training sessions, or hands-on workshops. The content of refresher training courses is typically designed to be concise and easy to understand, focusing on the most essential information and best practices. Examples of situations where refresher training may be necessary include regular safety training, compliance training, or changes to existing protocols or procedures.

The purpose of refresher training is to:

  1. Keep employees up-to-date with the latest industry advancements.
  2. Ensure they adhere to regulatory requirements and maintain compliance.
  3. Reinforce essential concepts, techniques, or skills that may have been forgotten or become less practiced.
  4. Reduce the potential for accidents, errors, or inefficiencies in daily tasks.

When implementing refresher training, it’s essential to consider the needs of the employees and the organization. Online training allows employees to access and complete the training at their convenience, while in-person sessions may allow for more interactive and hands-on experiences. Ultimately, the delivery method chosen should align with the training objectives and the employees’ preferences for the most effective outcomes.

The impact of refresher training extends beyond the individual employee. Regular and well-planned refresher training initiatives can help improve overall team performance, reduce workplace accidents or incidents, and boost employee confidence in their abilities. This, in turn, contributes to a better-functioning organization and a more positive work environment.



In conclusion, refresher training is a crucial component of maintaining employee competence and ensuring the ongoing success of an organization. By regularly updating their knowledge and skills, employees can stay ahead of industry advancements, work more safely, and ultimately contribute to a more effective and productive team.

Why Is Training For Refreshers So Important?

Why Is Training For Refreshers So Important?

Refresher training plays a critical role in maintaining and enhancing employee performance. Regularly administered refresher training reinforces essential concepts, addresses changes in industry regulations, and updates employees on best practices.

Enhanced Retention: It is well-documented that individuals tend to forget information over time. Refresher training helps employees remember and apply crucial knowledge effectively in their daily tasks, increasing productivity. Offering employees the opportunity to revisit subjects ensures that knowledge gaps are filled and proficiency is maintained.

Compliance and Safety: Workplace regulations are known to change, and staying up-to-date ensures legal and industry compliance. Timely refresher training can reduce potential risks and liabilities and protect organizations from financial losses. It’s especially vital in industries with strict safety guidelines, such as construction and healthcare.

Improved Skills and Competence: Continuous learning is critical to professional growth. Refresher training programs foster an environment of ongoing development, enhancing employee skillsets. Competent employees can improve customer satisfaction and contribute to the organization’s success.

Adaptability: The rapid pace of technological advancements necessitates agility in the workplace. Refresher training helps employees navigate evolving trends, tools, and systems. This adaptability allows organizations to maintain their competitive edge, meet customer expectations, and maximize growth opportunities.

Employee Engagement: Regular refresher training keeps employees engaged and motivated to grow professionally. A well-structured training program shows the organization’s commitment to employee development, which can lead to higher job satisfaction and retention.

Incorporating refresher training into an organization’s overall training strategy ensures continuous improvement and compliance. Doing so fosters a culture of learning and development that benefits employees and organizations alike.

Benefits Of Refresher Training

Benefits Of Refresher Training

Refresher training is essential for employees to maintain and improve their skills, stay up-to-date with changes in the industry, and ensure continued compliance with company policies and regulations. This section will explore some of the key benefits of refresher training.

Increased Employee Engagement: Employees who receive regular refresher training are more likely to feel valued and engaged in their work. The training demonstrates the company’s commitment to their development and success. Engaged employees are more motivated and productive, leading to better overall performance.

Reduced Errors and Mistakes: Refresher training helps to reinforce employees’ understanding of essential procedures, practices, and safety measures. By providing this type of training, companies can reduce the likelihood of costly errors and accidents.

  • Enhanced Compliance: Refresher training in safety standards and regulatory requirements ensures that employees comply with internal and external rules. Non-compliance can lead to fines, legal issues, and damage to a company’s reputation. By continuously providing compliance training, companies can mitigate these risks.

Skill Retention and Improvement: Over time, employees can forget essential information or fail to keep up with recent developments in their field. Regular refresher training allows employees to maintain their skills and knowledge, ultimately leading to higher job satisfaction and performance.

Adapting to Change: Industries and businesses continually evolve, and employees must keep pace. Refresher training in the latest technologies, tools, and methodologies ensures that employees remain competent and competitive in their respective markets.

To summarize, refresher training offers numerous benefits for employees and the company. These benefits include increased employee engagement, reduced errors and mistakes, improved compliance, skill retention and development, and adaptability to change. Investing in refresher training programs is crucial to maintaining a highly skilled and knowledgeable workforce, resulting in a more successful and profitable business.

Determine The Training You Need

Determine The Training You Need

Before planning and implementing a refresher training program, it is crucial to identify the specific training needs of your employees. Begin by assessing the different types of training relevant to your industry and employees’ roles, such as compliance training, safety training, and best practices.

Perform a training needs analysis to ensure the refresher training program is effective and beneficial. You can achieve this by:

  1. Reviewing initial training: Examine the initial training’s content, methods, and results to identify any gaps in knowledge or performance.
  2. Analyzing employee performance data: Evaluate performance reviews, incident reports, and feedback from managers to pinpoint areas that need reinforcement or improvement.
  3. Identifying changes in regulations, technology, or processes: Stay up-to-date with any updates or changes in your industry that may require additional or updated training.

Upon determining the specific refresher training needs, consider the most suitable training methods for each topic, such as:

  • Online training: Leverage online courses, webinars, and virtual classrooms for convenient and easy access to training material.
  • In-person sessions: Utilize instructor-led classes or workshops for hands-on training and direct interaction between learners and trainers.
  • Self-paced materials: Provide workbooks, e-learning modules, and manuals for employees to access at their convenience and learn at their own pace.

To create a compelling and engaging refresher training program, try incorporating various training methods and materials to cater to different learning styles and preferences. This approach can also help reinforce concepts through multiple methods of instruction.

Don’t forget that ongoing training and regular evaluations are essential to ensuring effectiveness and keeping employees up-to-date. Make a habit of reviewing and updating refresher training content regularly to maintain its relevance and impact. Your ultimate goal is to help your employees retain and apply the necessary knowledge and skills for optimal job performance.

Examine And Update The Course Materials

Examine And Update The Course Materials

Examining and updating the course materials is essential when creating an effective refresher training program. This ensures that employees receive up-to-date information and training that aligns with the latest industry standards and best practices.

To begin with, review the existing training materials and identify outdated information, processes, or procedures. To ensure accuracy and relevance, involving subject matter experts in the review process is important. Once potential updates are identified, incorporate them into the training content, highlighting any changes made since the initial training. This might include:

  • Updates to legislation or regulations
  • Changes in policy or procedures
  • New technology or software
  • Industry trends and best practices

Maintaining updated course materials is essential, but it’s equally important to present the content in an engaging and accessible manner. Incorporate various training methods, such as videos, simulations, quizzes, and interactive discussions, to cater to different learning styles. This helps improve retention and reinforces key concepts throughout the training.

Additionally, consider employing the following formatting techniques to enhance the presentation and readability of the refresher training materials:

  • Tables: Use tables for summarizing complex data, comparing options, or organizing information in a clear and structured manner.

  • Lists: Utilize bulleted or numbered lists to convey step-by-step instructions, outline a sequence of events, or present a series of related items.

  • Bold and italic text: Apply bold and italic formatting to emphasize important information, key terms, or specific instructions.

  • Graphics and visuals: Incorporate images, diagrams, and infographics to visually represent concepts, making it easier for learners to understand and retain information.

In conclusion, a successful refresher training program starts with examining and updating the course materials. Ensuring the content is current, engaging, and well-organized promotes knowledge retention and drives compliance, safety, and overall effectiveness in the workplace.

How To Use An LMS To Conduct Online Refresher Training

How To Use An LMS To Conduct Online Refresher Training

Implementing refresher training through a Learning Management System (LMS) offers an organized and flexible platform for organizations to keep their employees up-to-date on compliance, safety, and other essential topics. LMS simplifies creating, managing, and tracking online refresher courses. Follow these steps to utilize LMS effectively for your refresher training needs.

1. Set clear objectives and outcomes: Before designing refresher training content, identify the specific goals of the course, and ensure they align with your organization’s training needs. This can include reinforcing safety protocols, improving awareness of policies, or introducing new regulations.

2. Curate engaging content: Customize training material in various formats, such as videos, slides, quizzes, and interactive scenarios. Diversified content holds the learner’s attention, enhances understanding, and bolsters knowledge retention.

3. Set up structured modules: Divide the course into small, manageable modules that allow employees to progress through the material at their own pace. Developing a logical sequence for the course further aids information retention and encourages active participation.

4. Assess and track progress: Incorporate quizzes and assessments to gauge the learners’ understanding of the course material. LMS platforms typically provide tools to track individual performance and generate reports for better analysis and planning for future training.

5. Provide real-time feedback and support: Encourage employees by offering immediate feedback on their performance or answering questions on the spot. Some LMS platforms offer features like chat rooms and forums for employees to interact with instructors and peers, fostering communication and peer learning.

6. Schedule regular updates and reminders: Regularly update course content to ensure it stays relevant, addressing new laws, policies, or best practices. Set periodic reminders, notifying employees to complete refresher courses to maintain compliance and knowledge levels.

Leveraging an LMS for online refresher training provides a consistent platform for engaging employees, tracking their progress, and maintaining a well-informed workforce. Tailor the online training courses to fit your organization’s specific training needs and empower your employees to excel in their respective roles.

Schedule The Course

Schedule The Course

When planning a refresher training course, it is crucial to schedule it effectively to ensure maximum employee engagement and learning outcomes. To plan the course timetable, consider the following factors:

  1. Frequency of Refresher Training: Determine the appropriate frequency of refresher training based on the nature of the subject matter and the rate of change in industry standards. For instance, safety and compliance training may require annual updates, whereas training on a specific software tool may only need biennial refreshers.

  2. Duration of the Training Session: Identify the time required for the refresher course. Strive to balance thoroughly covering course material and not overwhelming participants with too much information. Break down the content into smaller, manageable modules that employees can complete within a reasonable timeframe.

  3. Timings and Availability: Schedule the training sessions at convenient times for employees, considering factors such as employee work hours, shift patterns, and project deadlines. Ensure that trainees have ample notice to prepare and arrange their workload accordingly.

  4. Mode of Delivery: Decide on the delivery format of the refresher training, such as online courses, in-person workshops, or virtual training sessions. Consider the advantages and limitations of each modality and choose the most appropriate one based on the training content and organizational needs.

With these factors in mind, create a comprehensive course schedule that includes:

  • Start and end dates for the refresher program
  • Timeframes for each module or topic
  • Mode of delivery for each session (e.g., online, in-person, or virtual)
  • Deadlines for assignments or quizzes related to the course content

Below is an example of a table depicting a well-structured refresher course schedule:

Module/Topic Duration Mode of Delivery Date & Time Assignment Deadline
Safety Training 2 hours Online March 1, 9-11AM March 2, 5PM
Compliance Training 3 hours In-person March 4, 9-12PM March 5, 5PM
Software Updates 1.5 hours Virtual March 8, 2-3:30PM March 9, 5PM

By efficiently scheduling your refresher training, you can ensure optimal learning outcomes and minimize disruption to your employees’ workflow and productivity.

Collect And Assess the Input

Collect And Assess the Input

Before designing and implementing a refresher training program, collecting and assessing input from various sources is crucial. Gaining insights from employees, trainers, and subject matter experts helps tailor the training program to the organization’s needs and make it more effective.

  • Employee feedback: Collecting feedback from employees gives insight into their specific training needs and expectations. Conducting surveys, focus groups, or interviews can help identify the areas where employees feel they need additional training.

  • Trainer insights: Trainers can provide valuable input based on their experience and expertise in the subject matter. They can suggest the best practices, methodologies, and strategies to implement refresher training sessions effectively.

  • Subject matter experts: Consulting with industry experts and professionals can provide input on current trends and regulations to ensure compliance with industry standards. They can also help identify critical content that should be included in the refresher courses.

Once the input is collected, assessing and analyzing it is essential. This information can be organized into categories, such as knowledge gaps, training needs, and compliance requirements. The following are some methods to evaluate the collected input:

  1. Identify trends and patterns: By analyzing the feedback and insights, you can identify common themes or areas where employees struggle. This information can guide the development of focused refresher training materials.

  2. Determine priorities: Prioritize the most critical training needs based on observed trends and patterns. Ensure that the refresher training program addresses these priorities effectively.

  3. Benchmark against industry standards: Compare the collected input against industry standards and best practices to identify areas where your organization’s training may lag.

After assessing the input, use the information as a guide to update existing training content, develop new training materials, or modify the training methodology. Ensure the refresher training program aligns with the analyzed input, making it more customized and effective for your employees.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q: What is a refresher course?

A: A refresher course is a training program designed to update and enhance knowledge and skills that employees may have forgotten or need to improve.

Q: Why do employees need refresher training?

A: Employees need refresher training to stay updated with new information, processes, and technologies in their respective fields, ensuring they are competent and efficient.

Q: How can I conduct refresher training online?

A: You can conduct refresher training online using a Learning Management System (LMS) to deliver interactive training modules and assessments and track employee progress remotely.

Q: What are some best practices for implementing refresher training?

A: Some best practices for implementing refresher training include identifying training needs, using engaging training methods, providing relevant training material, and regularly evaluating the impact of the training.

Q: Why is refresher training important for employees?

A: Refresher training is essential for employees as it ensures they stay up-to-date with industry trends, regulations, and best practices, leading to improved performance and productivity.

Q: How does refresher training benefit an organization?

A: Refresher training benefits an organization by improving employee skills, knowledge retention, performance, and job satisfaction, resulting in higher quality work output and reduced errors.

Q: What is the impact of refresher training on employee performance?

A: Refresher training can positively impact employee performance by boosting confidence, enhancing competence, increasing job satisfaction, and fostering a culture of continuous learning within the organization.

Final Thoughts

Refresher training is crucial in maintaining employee knowledge and staying up-to-date with changing regulations, best practices, and safety measures. The main goal of refresher training courses is to reinforce essential concepts and skills that employees might have learned during their initial training or to introduce new information not previously covered.

One notable advantage of refresher training is the increase in employee compliance. Ensuring that employees adhere to required protocols and guidelines, particularly regarding safety and compliance regulations, is essential in providing a consistent level of performance and avoiding potential legal issues.

When designing a refresher training program, it’s important to determine the training needs of your employees. A successful program should:

  • Address specific performance gaps or weaknesses
  • Incorporate frequently updated regulations or industry practices
  • Be delivered through a user-friendly and accessible format, such as an online course or hands-on training sessions

Practical refresher training also requires employers to evaluate these courses’ impact regularly. This can include assessing changes in employee performance or behavior and tracking the overall skill and knowledge improvement levels resulting from the training.

Various training methods can significantly improve the efficacy of refresher training programs. Companies may consider incorporating the following techniques into their training:

  • Interactive online training sessions or face-to-face workshops
  • Hands-on training for practical skills and procedures
  • Role-playing exercises to deepen understanding and application of concepts
  • Regular quizzes and assessments to solidify knowledge retention

In summary, companies should prioritize investing time and resources into refresher training programs, as they directly contribute to employee compliance, continuous improvement, and overall performance. By using various training methods and consistently updating content to stay relevant, employers can ensure that their employees remain well-equipped to perform their roles with skill and confidence.

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