Extending WordPress Using ACF (Advanced Custom Fields)

This week’s roundtable featured Sallie Goetsch, Adam Fout, John Locke, and Chris Badgett along with host Jonathan Denwood discussing Custom Fields.

This week’s news stories featured Matt Madeiros’s article The Blue-collar WordPress worker and the 2500+ Websites Built to Grow the CMS. (https://mattreport.com/growth-of-wordpress/) and an interview with Matt Mullenweg concerning the WordPress Ecosystem on the Post Status podcast (https://poststatus.com/interview-matt-mullenweg-wordpress-ecosystem-draft-podcast/).


Our episode this week is sponsored by INTELLIGENCEWP.Finally, an analytics plugin that provides valuable metrics and results that increase your leads.INTELLIGENCEWP.

As with much of the conversation in the WordPress community lately, the team agrees that it is the work of the developers and agencies who adopt and use a technology, in this case WordPress, that helps it grow. Customers care about having their business needs met, not that someone build a website using WordPress or a specific technology. Only after the agencies and independent developers adopt some a technology and start sharing it, do customers start identifying with that specific solution.

YouTube video

As usual, after the news the group moved on to the main topic – Custom Fields.
Custom fields extend the default WordPress database tables allowing for additional fields. These are frequently used by plugins, although the end-user may not be aware of this. For example, an Event Calendar plugin uses custom fields for the start and end times of the events. In a shopping cart, the product prices are displayed in custom fields.

One use for custom fields is for creating templates that always need to look the same. For example a template for portfolio items where a video, image, link, and text should always appear in the same locations. Laying this out with custom fields makes it easier to add the information consistently than using the regular visual editor.

As a developer, using custom fields in a case like this helps your clients get the solution they need in a way that minimizes the chance of them creating problems and breaking things within the site.

There are several plugins available to help you create custom fields, as well as, custom post types. These include:

Advanced Custom Fields (https://wordpress.org/plugins/advanced-custom-fields/)
and Pods – Custom Content Types and Fields (https://wordpress.org/plugins/pods/)

Toolset Types – Custom Post Types, Custom Fields and Taxonomies (https://wordpress.org/plugins/types/)


Our episode this week is sponsored by INTELLIGENCEWP.Finally, an analytics plugin that provides valuable metrics and results that increase your leads.INTELLIGENCEWP.

This Weeks Panel of WordPress Experts

Adam Fout: fromBlue Steele Solutions

Sallie Goetsch: from WP Fangirl

Kim Shivler: from White Glove Web Training

John Locke: from Lockedown SEO

Jonathan Denwood: from WP-Tonic.com

Chris Badgett: fromLIFTERLMS

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