Every Friday at 8:30 am PST we host the WP-Tonic Round-table Show where we discuss the latest WordPress and the general web news of the week. You can watch LIVE the show on our WP-Tonic Show Facebook page:https://www.facebook.com/wptonic please also support the show by going to our YouTube channel and subscribing: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCiUEZxnxscyWKHJxgeFD2oA?view_as=subscriber
This Week Show’s Sponsors
Kinsta: https://kinsta.com/
LaunchFlow: https://launchflows.com/
Special Guest Panelist Brian Jackson of Forgemedia: https://forgemedia.io/
#1 – Automattic Acquires MailPoet
#2 – Olive Attracts Additional $225.5MM Investment to Fast-Track AI Workforce For Healthcare
#3 – WordPress 5.6 “Simone” Includes New Twenty Twenty-One Theme and Improved Editor
WordPress 5.6 “Simone” Includes New Twenty Twenty-One Theme and Improved Editor
#4 – How to Run a Ponzi Scheme for Tech People
#5 – Privacy group files complaint against five online test-proctoring services
#6 – Facebook crushed rivals to maintain an illegal monopoly, the entire United States yells in Zuckerberg’s face
Panel Recommendations of the Week
Jonathan’s VersionPress is a free and open-source plugin that brings the full power of Git to WordPress. Its key strength is that it version-controls not just files but also the database: https://versionpress.com/
Heather Renze:: https://serenzeglobal.org/2021-technology-education-grant-application/
John Locke:: My recommendation: https://northcutt.com/seo-checklist/google-ranking-factors/
Brian Jackson: https://wicki.io/posts/2020-11-goodbye-google-fonts/
Our Regular Panel Members
John Locke LockedownSEO.com
Sallie Goetsch wpfangirl.com
Chris Badgett lifterlms.com
Spencer Forman wplaunchify.com
Matt Medeiros mattreport.com
Jonathan Denwood wp-tonic.com
Vito Peleg WP Feedback
Steven Sauder ZipFish
Heather Renze Heather Wilde
Every Friday at 8:30am PST we have a great and hard-hitting round-table show with a group of WordPress developers, online business owners and WordPress junkies where we discuss the latest and most interesting WordPress and online articles/stories of the week. You can also watch the show LIVE every Friday at 8:30am PST on our Facebook WP-Tonic Show page. https://www.facebook.com/wptonic/
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