Teachable vs Udemy Which One Should You Pick?

May 27, 2024


Taking your knowledge, ideas, and concepts to the digital marketplace can be a big jump mentally. Two SAAS platforms instantly come to mind and this post with Jonathan covers them. If you are looking to launch your own course without having to manage a whole website on your own, this post may help put you in a great direction. 


Udemy vs Teachable: Choosing the Best Online Course Platform for Your Needs

The world of online learning platforms has snowballed in recent years, offering more opportunities for individuals to create and sell their courses. Two leading platforms in this space are Udemy and Teachable, which offer unique features and benefits to course creators and users. Understanding the differences between these two online course platforms is vital to determining which platform is better suited for your needs.

Udemy is an online course marketplace where millions of students can access a vast library of courses taught by independent instructors. The platform allows instructors to create and sell courses with strict guidelines in place for course content. On the other hand, Teachable is an online course creation platform that empowers individuals to build and sell online courses more independently, offering customizable design templates and pricing plans to cater to one’s unique course offering.

Key Takeaways

  • Udemy and Teachable are popular platforms for creating and selling online courses, but they differ.
  • Teachable offers more control and customization for course creators, while Udemy has a greater reach for potential students.
  • It is essential to consider individual needs and objectives when deciding on one platform over the other.

Teachable vs. Udemy: A Comparison of the Top Two Online Learning Platforms

Teachable vs. Udemy: A Comparison of the Top Two Online Learning Platforms

Teachable and Udemy are popular online course platforms that allow educators to create and sell their courses. However, several key differences between the two platforms may impact which is best for course creators.

Course Creation

Teachable offers a more customizable course creation environment. Instructors can design their course layout, lectures, multimedia content, quizzes, and discussions. They can also build their course website and sales pages to match their branding.

On the other hand, Udemy has strict guidelines for course content and structure. This ensures consistency across the platform but may limit instructors’ creative freedom.

Pricing and Revenue Sharing

Teachable offers three pricing plans: Basic, Pro, and Business. The monthly cost for each plan varies but starts at $39. The main differences between these plans lie in the transaction fees, features, and support offered. Teachable also allows using a custom payment gateway, which may be preferable for some instructors.



Udemy, in contrast, is a free platform for course creators. Instead of charging a monthly fee, they take a percentage of each course sale. For organic sales, Udemy takes a 50% commission. If the sale comes through an instructor’s promotional efforts or affiliate links, the commission drops to 25%. This revenue-sharing model can attract new course creators who want to test the market without investing in a subscription.

Promotion and Marketing

Udemy is a course marketplace with millions of students worldwide, allowing for a wider reach and potential exposure. The platform actively promotes and markets courses to its user base.

On the other hand, Teachable primarily relies on course creators for marketing and promotion. Although it provides marketing tools and resources for course creators to use in their promotional efforts, unlike Udemy, it does not have a built-in marketplace.

Ownership and Control

One significant difference between Teachable and Udemy is the control instructors have over their courses. Teachable allows course creators to retain full ownership of their content, pricing, students, and data. They can also create and manage unlimited courses on their platform.

In contrast, Udemy controls course content, pricing, and student interaction more. Course creators on Udemy may have limited access to student data and have less control over the student experience. They are also subject to Udemy’s revenue-sharing model.

In conclusion, Teachable and Udemy each have their unique strengths and weaknesses. Teachable offers more customization, control, and flexibility in creating and selling courses but requires monthly fees and the responsibility of promotion. Udemy, with its built-in marketplace, takes care of marketing and promotion but has more restrictions on course creation and control. Ultimately, the right platform for a course creator will depend on their specific goals, resources, and preferences.

Teachable vs Udemy – The Main Differences

Teachable vs Udemy – The Main Differences

When comparing Teachable and Udemy, it’s essential to understand how each platform functions. Udemy is an online course marketplace where instructors can create and sell courses to millions of students. Unlike Teachable, Udemy handles marketing and promotion, targeting a broader audience. However, Udemy has strict guidelines for course content and takes a significant percentage of your course sales.

On the other hand, Teachable is an online course platform that allows you to build and sell online courses under your brand. Teachable gives instructors more control over course creation, pricing, and marketing. With Teachable’s basic plan, you can set the course price, create a page, and promote your course to potential students. However, Teachable requires more effort in marketing and targeting your audience.

Here are the main differences between Teachable and Udemy:

  1. Course Creation and Control: Teachers allow more course creation and content flexibility. You can build a custom course page, use their built-in features, and integrate third-party tools. In contrast, Udemy provides a structured course format, which may restrict creative freedom and require adherence to their guidelines.

  2. Pricing and Revenue Share: Teachable offers three pricing plans, with the basic plan starting at a monthly fee. However, you keep most of your course sales revenue. Udemy operates on a revenue-sharing model, taking a significant percentage from each course sale. This percentage varies depending on the marketing channel and student acquisition.

  3. Marketing and Promotion: Udemy handles marketing and promotion, leveraging its large user base and algorithm-driven promotion. This could guarantee quicker results for new course creators but relies on Udemy’s discretion. Conversely, Teachable empowers instructors with marketing tools and knowledge, but the responsibility of promoting the course falls on the instructor.

  4. Target Audience: Udemy targets a broader audience, meaning your course may appeal to numerous potential students. Nevertheless, your course might face competition from similar courses on their platform. Teachable allows targeting specific niches, which is ideal for developing unique course content and building a loyal audience.

  5. Course Completion Certificates: Udemy provides course completion certificates to students who finish a course. These certificates are generated and managed by Udemy. Teachable also offers course completion certificates, but instructors have more control over their customization and issuing process.

  6. Learning Community and Engagement: Teachable provides features like quizzes, assignments, and course community sections that encourage student engagement and a sense of community. Udemy also offers quizzes and exercises, but the platform lacks a comprehensive community-building aspect.

Weighing these differences will help you decide based on your goals, preferences, and resources as a course creator.

Teachable Pros And Cons

Teachable Pros And Cons

Teachable offers several advantages for course creators looking to market and sell their courses. Firstly, Teachable allows a great degree of customization for course creators. Instructors can tailor their course pages, branding, and overall design to create a unique student experience. Teachable’s platform is also easy to use, making course creation and management simple for even novice users.

The platform also provides robust marketing features, such as built-in sales pages and the ability to integrate with various email marketing platforms. This empowers course creators to promote their courses and reach a wider audience effectively.

Teachable’s pricing plans offer flexibility. With a basic plan starting at just $39 per month, Teachable is accessible to instructors on various budgets. The platform also provides a free plan, which allows potential course creators to test the platform’s features before committing to a paid plan.

Despite its many merits, Teachable has a few disadvantages. One downside is that Teachable doesn’t provide the same marketplace exposure as Udemy. Instructors must invest more time and effort into marketing their courses, unlike Udemy, where courses can be discovered organically within the platform.

Another drawback is Teachable’s transaction fees for Basic plan users: a 5% fee is applied to all course sales. For instructors looking to sell their courses at lower price points, these fees can significantly cut into their profits.

In summary, Teachable’s pros include:

  • Customization and ease of use
  • Robust marketing features
  • Flexible pricing plans

While its cons consist of:

  • Lack of marketplace exposure
  • Transaction fees for Basic plan users

Udemy Pros And Cons

Udemy Pros And Cons


  • Broad Reach: Udemy boasts over 40 million students, providing course creators with a vast and diverse potential audience. Its global reach offers a significant advantage for instructors targeting a broader market.

  • Ease of Use: The platform is user-friendly, making it easy for course creators with little to no experience in online course creation to build, upload, and market their courses.

  • Resources and Marketing Support: Udemy provides various resources and tools to help promote your course. They offer promotional emails, retargeting ads, and affiliate partnerships to drive sales and increase enrollment.

  • Free Hosting & No Upfront Costs: Unlike Teachable, Udemy does not charge for hosting or require upfront payments. This makes it a more accessible option for those getting started with online course creation.


  • Limited Pricing Control: Udemy retains control over the pricing of the courses, occasionally offering substantial discounts of up to 90%. While this may increase enrollments, it can significantly impact course creators’ revenue.

  • Competition: With millions of courses on the platform, it can be challenging for new course creators to differentiate their content and attract audiences. The competition with well-established instructors can be intimidating for those entering the online course market.

  • Revenue Share: Udemy takes a significant portion of the course sales revenue. The standard instructor revenue share is 50% for direct sales and 25% for affiliate sales, which could limit your potential earnings compared to a platform like Teachable.

  • Content Control and Restrictions: Udemy has strict guidelines surrounding course content, limiting what course creators can include. Additionally, course creators do not own their students’ data, lack control over their audience, and make it challenging to build a loyal community.

In summary, Udemy offers a vast reach and easy-to-use platform for course creators. However, it has its drawbacks regarding pricing control, competition, revenue share, and content restrictions. Those looking to establish a long-term course business may prefer another platform, like Teachable, with more control over their content and audience.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q: What are the main differences between Teachable and Udemy?

A: Teachable and Udemy are both platforms for course creators, but they have different pricing plans, features, and target markets.

Q: How do the pricing plans of Teachable and Udemy compare?

A: Teachable allows you to set your course price and keep all the revenue, while Udemy has a revenue-sharing model where they take a percentage of your course sales.

Q: Which platform is better for marketing your course, Teachable or Udemy?

A: Teachable gives you more control over marketing your course, whereas Udemy has a built-in marketplace with a large student base.

Q: Should I use Teachable or Udemy to create my first online course?

A: If you want more control over your course and pricing, Teachable may be a better option. However, if you prefer a ready-made platform with a larger audience, Udemy could be the way to go.

Q: Can you sell courses on both Teachable and Udemy simultaneously?

A: You can simultaneously sell courses on both platforms to reach a wider audience and maximize your course sales opportunities.

Q: What are the critical differences between Udemy and Teachable regarding course creation?

A: Udemy is likely more suitable for beginners as it provides more guidance and support in creating your first course, while Teachable allows you more creative freedom.

Q: Which platform, Teachable or Udemy, is best for course creators looking to build and sell multiple courses?

A: Teachable is more geared towards course creators who want to build a brand and sell multiple courses, whereas Udemy is better for individual course sales within the Udemy marketplace.

Final Thoughts

Several factors come into play when choosing between Teachable and Udemy for creating and selling online courses. Both platforms have strengths and weaknesses, catering to the different needs of instructors and course creators.

  • Pricing and Fees: Teachable offers various pricing plans with a monthly fee, while Udemy takes a percentage of each course sale. Comparing their pricing structures, new course creators might find it more cost-effective to start with Udemy, especially if they are unsure about the potential income from their courses.

  • Control and Customization: Unlike Udemy, Teachable allows creators more control over their course content, pricing, branding, and marketing strategies. This can be crucial for creators who want to build their brand and create a personalized learning experience for students.

  • Course Promotion and Audience: Udemy’s marketplace attracts millions of students, and its promotional tools can help reach a broader audience. In contrast, Teachable empowers course creators to provide targeted marketing efforts but requires them to build their audience independently.

  • Course Completion and Certificates: Udemy provides students with certificates of completion, which can be a valuable incentive for enrolling in courses. Teachable allows creators to offer certificates, but it might need additional effort and setup.

  • Customer and Instructor Support: Both platforms offer creators extensive resources and support options. However, Teachable shines in providing more customization options for creators, while Udemy focuses on optimizing its marketplace for student engagement.

Considering the abovementioned factors, educators and entrepreneurs should carefully assess their goals, resources, and preferences before choosing the right platform. They must evaluate which aspects are more crucial for their success and align their choices accordingly.

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