How to create, sell, and profit from an online course in 2023

July 31, 2023

Are you looking to create, sell, and profit from online courses?

Whether you’re a teacher or a professional looking to share knowledge with your target audience, online courses make it easier to monetize high-quality content. You can grant users access to the online course material in exchange for a one-time or recurring subscription fee.

In this guide, we’ll cover everything you need to know to create, sell, and profit from online courses.

Step #1: Consider your target audience

The first thing you want to do is consider the people that you want to sell the online course to. You need to think about everyone who might be interested in purchasing the online system.

For example, if your online course is on the topic of color grading images and videos, you want to target users who are hobby photographers or professionals in the videography industry. Similarly, if you’re selling online courses about time management, you can target businesses that may want to train new employees.

With a better understanding of your target audience, it’s easier to determine common pain points and address your users’ challenges. This way, you can offer premium content or online courses with structured, high-quality content that helps fix common problems your target audience faces. This makes your online courses more valuable to your target audience and helps encourage more sales.

Step #2: Validate your content topics

Validate your content topics

Now that you know which people you want to sell your online courses to, it’s time to start deciding on solid content ideas that will resonate well with your target audience.

Once you have a list of content topics that can be used to create multiple online courses, you can start validating them to ensure only the best content ideas are selected as the final ones. For example, you can share specific ideas with your team members and ask them to brainstorm. This helps your team members better understand what kind of online course ideas will work best and is a great way to validate content topics.



In addition, you can also ask for feedback from your audience about new content topics you might want to introduce as online courses. For example, you can ask your audience members to complete a survey or let them choose the next online course topic using polls.

Step #3: Choose an online course platform

If you’re trying to create online courses, you must use an online course plugin. You can turn an ordinary-looking website into a full-fledged online course platform with an online course plugin. Most plugins also allow you to set up payments so users can purchase the online course directly from your site.

Some popular online course plugins include LearnDash, LifterLMS, and LearnPress. These plugins offer businesses all the tools to create professional online courses and sell them to audience members. They also provide some tools that can help promote them to encourage sales.

If you’re unsure about using your own website and would instead use a dedicated platform to create and sell online courses, you have options like Kajabi, Teachable, and Thinkific. These platforms let you use pre-designed templates to set up your online course website and make it easier for less tech-savvy users to sell online courses.

Step #4: Create high-quality content

 Create high-quality content

Creating high-quality content is an essential part of your online course business. While it’s important only to add content relevant to the online course topic, you also want to ensure it’s structured properly. Ideally, you want to divide your content topics using headings and subheadings so it’s easier for users to digest content.

Setting up a solid structure for your online course is also essential for making your offering more valuable and attractive. For instance, you can include high-quality video and text content to provide a visual learning experience for your students.

In addition to a good structure and high-quality content, you also want to ensure your online course’s content delivery is optimized. Instead of displaying all the lessons or sections of your online course at once, you can use a drip content strategy to offer content only when the user is ready. This not only boosts engagement but also helps enhance the learning experience.

Step #5: Decide on a pricing structure

Pricing your online course is pretty straightforward, especially if you offer short or small online classes. You can simply charge your audience members a fair price based on the amount of content you provide in your online course.

However, pricing lengthy, premium-quality online courses can be a little tricky. For example, if you offer a detailed online course with over 30 lessons about business management, pricing can be a challenge. You can charge a price according to the content offered, the number of lessons in your online course and your target users, or how much your audience members expect to pay. A great way to validate the price of your online course is by asking your audience members through questionnaires, surveys, and polls.

While you don’t want to overcharge for your online courses, you also don’t want to price your online courses less than your competitors. This may give you a little boost in sales but also provides the impression that your online courses are of less value than others.

Step #6: Promote your online course

Promote your online course

While your existing audience members know about your newly launched online course, you also want to start promoting it to get more eyes on your brand.

You can start implementing various marketing strategies, such as email marketing, affiliate marketing, paid ads, and social media marketing. Depending on your brand and the online course you’re selling, you can use multiple marketing channels to boost your online course sales.

Step #7: Set up an online community

While you can create and sell online courses to your audience members, you can also offer more value to them by creating an online community. This makes it possible for your audience members to stay engaged with your brand and other users with the same interests.

Setting up an online community also makes it easier for businesses to share important announcements with all audience members at once and is a great way to stay connected with learners.

Step #8: Use gamification features

Use gamification features

Along with setting up an online community for your online course subscribers, you can use gamification features to keep them engaged with your content.

For example, you can create a quiz for users who complete the online course to test their knowledge and challenge themselves. You can then award points based on how well users perform on examinations. This encourages more users to engage with your content.

You can add a leaderboard and display the top scorers directly on your online course website. This also helps create a sense of exclusivity and encourages more users to engage with your online course content.

Step #9: Offer free trials

Offering free trials is a great way to get prospective customers who want to see your online course content but aren’t ready to pay just yet. For example, you can offer a 7-day trial period that lets users get access to the first few lessons of your online course for a limited period. They will only be charged once the free trial period ends so they have enough time to make an informed decision.


Since most users already get accustomed to your online course content with the free trial, it increases the chances of them subscribing or purchasing the online course so they can keep going.

Step #10: Review and analyze feedback

Step #10: Review and analyze feedback

Now that you’ve created your online course and started selling it, the work is not done yet. This is because once you start making sales, you need to also start reviewing and analyzing your audience members’ feedback.

With customer feedback, you can quickly identify any problems or issues with your online course. It’s also a great way to make improvements to your online course that matter and can impact the success of your online course business.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q: How can I create an online course?

A: To create an online course, you can follow these steps: 1. Choose a topic or subject for your course that you are knowledgeable and passionate about. 2. Break down the content into sections or modules. 3. Create engaging videos or written lessons for each section. 4. Add supporting materials such as quizzes, assignments, or downloadable resources. 5. Use an online course platform or learning management system to organize and host your course. 6. Test your course by sharing it with a small group of beta testers and gathering feedback. 7. Make necessary revisions and improvements based on the feedback. 8. Launch and market your course to your target audience.

Q: How can I sell my online course?

A: Selling your online course requires effective marketing and promotional strategies. Here are some tips: 1. Identify your target audience and understand their needs and pain points. 2. Create a compelling sales page highlighting your course’s benefits and value. 3. Use social media platforms, email marketing, and content marketing to reach and engage with potential students. 4. Offer discounts, limited-time promotions, or bonuses to incentivize people to enroll in your course. 5. Collaborate with influencers or industry experts to gain credibility and increase exposure. 6. Leverage testimonials and reviews from satisfied students to build trust and social proof. 7. Consider offering a money-back guarantee to remove any hesitation or risk for potential buyers.

Q: How can I make my online course profitable?

A: Making your online course profitable involves several factors. Here are some strategies: 1. Research and select a topic or niche with a demand and market potential. 2. Focus on creating high-quality content and valuable insights that set your course apart. 3. Determine the correct pricing for your course based on its perceived value and your target audience’s budget. 4. Offer upsells or additional products/services to complement your course and increase revenue. 5. Implement effective marketing tactics to attract and convert potential students into paying customers. 6. Improve your course based on feedback and market trends to maintain its appeal and value. 7. Explore partnerships or affiliate programs to expand your reach and increase sales.

Q: What are the best online course platforms?

A: The best online course platforms are: 1. Teachable: A popular platform with a user-friendly interface and customization options. 2. Udemy: One of the largest marketplaces for online courses, offering a wide range of topics. 3. Thinkific: Known for its easy-to-use course creation tools and customizable design options. 4. Podia: Offers a comprehensive platform for course creation, marketing, and selling digital products. 5. Kajabi: A robust all-in-one platform that provides hosting, marketing, and sales tools for online courses. 6. LearnWorlds: Known for its interactive and engaging course content features. 7. LearnDash: A popular choice for creating and selling courses on WordPress websites. 8. Skillshare: Focuses on creative and practical skills, with a subscription-based model for access to multiple courses. 9. Coursera: Offers courses from top universities and institutions, with options for certifications and degrees. 10. LinkedIn Learning: Provides a vast library of professional skills and career development courses.

Q: How can I promote my online course?

A: Promoting your online course requires a strategic approach. Here are some effective promotion methods: 1. Use social media platforms to share informative content related to your course and engage with your target audience. 2. Collaborate with influencers or industry experts who can endorse or promote your course to their followers. 3. Guest blog on relevant websites or participate in podcast interviews to establish yourself as an authority in your niche. 4. Offer valuable free resources or mini-courses as a lead magnet to capture email addresses and build a subscriber list. 5. Run targeted online ads on platforms like Facebook, Instagram, or Google Ads to reach potential students. 6. Leverage the power of email marketing by sending newsletters or automated sequences that provide value and promote your course. 7. Participate in online communities or forums where your target audience gathers, and offer advice or insights while mentioning your course as a resource.

Q: How much should I charge for my online course?

A: The price of your online course depends on various factors, including its perceived value, your target audience’s budget, and market demand. Consider the following guidelines: 1. Research similar courses in your industry and analyze their pricing to understand the market standards. 2. Assess the unique value, depth of content, and expertise you offer compared to other courses. 3. Consider your target audience’s purchasing power and willingness to invest in online education. 4. Experiment with different pricing options, such as offering tiered packages or payment plans, to attract a broader range of students. 5. Monitor your course’s performance and conversion rates at different price points and adjust accordingly.

Q: How can I create a successful online course?

A: Creating a successful online course requires careful planning and execution. Here are some tips: 1. Identify a specific target audience and address their pain points and learning objectives. 2. Conduct thorough research on the topic or subject to ensure you provide valuable and up-to-date information. 3. Structure your course content logically and organized, using a mix of video, text, quizzes, and interactive elements. 4. Provide actionable and practical insights that enable students to apply what they learn in real-life situations. 5. Engage with your students through discussion forums, live Q&A sessions, or personalized feedback. 6. Continuously update and improve your course based on student feedback and market trends. 7. Invest in high-quality production values, including audio and video, to enhance the learning experience. 8. Build a community around your course by fostering student connections and facilitating networking opportunities.

Q: What are the different types of online courses I can create?

A: The type of online course you can create depends on your expertise and target audience. Some popular options are 1. Skill-based courses: Teach practical skills such as graphic design, coding, photography, or cooking. 2. Knowledge-based courses: Share in-depth knowledge on psychology, history, or personal finance. 3. Certification courses: Offer courses that lead to industry-recognized certifications, such as project management or digital marketing. 4. Professional development courses: Focus on enhancing skills relevant to career advancement, such as leadership or public speaking. 5. Hobby or leisure courses: Cater to the interests and hobbies of individuals, such as painting, gardening, or playing a musical instrument. 6. Business and entrepreneurship courses: Provide guidance and strategies for starting and growing a successful business.

Q: How can I ensure my online course sells in 2023?

A: To ensure your online course sells in 2023 and beyond, consider the following strategies: 1. Stay updated with the latest industry trends and incorporate them into your course content. 2. Improve your course based on student feedback and market demands. 3. Keep an eye on emerging technologies and learning platforms that can enhance the student experience. 4. Adapt to changes in online marketing strategies and leverage new platforms or channels to reach your target audience. 5. Offer flexible options like self-paced learning or live coaching sessions to accommodate different learning preferences. 6. Tap into niche markets or emerging industries that demand specialized knowledge or skills. 7. Establish yourself as an authority figure in your niche through networking, speaking engagements, or publishing industry-related content.

Q: How do I choose the topic for my first online course?

A: Choosing the right topic for your first online course is crucial for its success. Consider these factors: 1. Passion and expertise: Select a topic that you are passionate about and have extensive knowledge in. 2. Demand and marketability: Research the market and identify topics with demand or solve a problem for your target audience. 3. Audience relevance: Choose a topic that aligns with the interests and needs of your target audience. 4. Competition analysis: Assess the existing courses or resources available on the chosen topic and find your unique angle. 5. Scalability: Consider the potential for expanding or creating follow-up courses on related topics.


Creating, selling, and profiting from an online course can be daunting, especially if this is your first time.

Creating an online course requires you to come up with topic ideas that resonate well with your audience members and would encourage them to pay for such content. It’s also essential to keep your online course’s structure refined and easy to digest so it offers an enhanced learning experience for your target audience.

With your online course ready, you want to ensure you’re using the most effective marketing channels for your brand and working on improving customer engagement. While online communities are great for this, you can add gamification features to enhance user engagement. With the right steps in mind, setting up your online course and selling it can be straightforward, even if you’re just starting out.


Do you have any questions about how to create, sell, and profit from an online course? Let us know in the comments box below.

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