Mailchimp VS. Klaviyo Which is The Best Email Platform in 2024?

November 15, 2023

Email Marketing Tool Showdown: Mailchimp vs. Klaviyo

Email marketing remains a critical component of any successful marketing strategy, particularly for membership businesses. With numerous email marketing tools available, two platforms often come up in discussions: Mailchimp and Klaviyo. These platforms offer powerful features to meet the needs of online businesses, helping them create, automate, and optimize their email marketing campaigns.

Klaviyo and Mailchimp are both robust marketing tools designed to boost membership performance. Their capabilities include segmentation, automation, and integration with popular LMS platforms like Lifterlms or LearnDash. While Mailchimp is known for its user-friendly interface, Klaviyo boasts advanced analytics and personalized email marketing features to help businesses connect with their subscribers on a deeper level.

As companies strive for a more tailored approach to customer engagement, understanding the differences between Klaviyo and Mailchimp is crucial. Pricing, ease of use, and the variety of features offered are key factors to consider when comparing these top email marketing platforms.

Key Takeaways

  • Klaviyo and Mailchimp are popular email marketing tools with a focus on membership businesses.
  • Both platforms offer segmentation, automation, and integration with LMS platforms, but Klaviyo boasts more advanced analytics and personalization features.
  • When choosing between Klaviyo and Mailchimp, consider factors such as pricing, ease of use, and the specific features your business needs for successful email marketing campaigns.

Best Pre-Built Templates

When choosing an email marketing tool, the quality and variety of pre-built templates play a significant role in the decision-making process. Both Klaviyo and Mailchimp offer an extensive collection of professionally designed templates that cater to various industries and purposes.

Klaviyo provides a wide range of templates for membership businesses, focusing on personalized email marketing campaigns. Its templates are designed to optimize customer engagement through targeted and data-driven emails. Klaviyo’s templates include options for welcome emails, abandoned cart reminders, and post-purchase follow-ups. In addition, they allow easy customization to align with the brand identity.

Mailchimp, on the other hand, features a vast library of pre-built templates for all types of businesses. It is known for its drag-and-drop email editor, which simplifies the customization process. Mailchimp offers templates that cater to various needs, including newsletters, promotions, events, and more.



In terms of ease of use for beginners, Mailchimp has a slight edge thanks to its user-friendly interface. However, if your priority lies in personalization and targeting membership customers, Klaviyo’s templates may prove to be more beneficial.

To make an informed decision, compare the available pre-built templates side by side, considering your specific needs and marketing goals. Ultimately, the best choice should cater to your requirements and help you effectively convey your message to your subscribers.



Email marketing automation is a crucial aspect when comparing Klaviyo and MailChimp. Both platforms offer a wide range of automation features, allowing users to create complex and personalized marketing campaigns.

Klaviyo excels in its automation capabilities, particularly for membership websites. It offers in-depth integration with popular platforms like BuddyBoss, allowing users to create personalized, data-driven email campaigns based on customer behavior. Klaviyo’s automation workflows are easy to set up, with a visually intuitive interface and a variety of pre-built templates to choose from.

MailChimp also provides solid automation features, focusing on a user-friendly experience. With its drag-and-drop automation builder, users can create simple or advanced workflows for various marketing goals like nurturing leads or recovering abandoned carts. Although MailChimp’s automation features cater to a broad audience, it may not be as specialized as Klaviyo in the eCommerce sector.

Segmentation is another essential aspect of automation, where both Klaviyo and MailChimp offer robust solutions. Klaviyo excels at delivering highly detailed, behavioral-based segmentation, enabling users to create custom-tailored emails targeting specific segments. MailChimp, on the other hand, presents list-based segmentation with a multitude of preset options, making it easy for users to target specific groups based on demographics and engagement.

In terms of analytics, Klaviyo offers eCommerce-oriented tracking and reporting features. Users can view detailed reports on revenue generated by specific email campaigns or track customer behavior based on multiple data points. MailChimp provides a wide range of analytical tools as well, but its focus may be more general compared to Klaviyo’s eCommerce-specific approach.

Overall, both Klaviyo and MailChimp provide effective automation for businesses of different sizes and industries. However, their target audience and specialty differ, with Klaviyo being more tailored towards eCommerce, while MailChimp caters to a membership based businesses.

AI-Powered Content Tools

AI-powered content tools are becoming increasingly popular for email marketing campaigns, assisting marketers in creating personalized and targeted content. Klaviyo and Mailchimp are two major players in the email marketing industry, offering robust and feature-rich platforms for businesses of all sizes.

Both Klaviyo and Mailchimp provide an array of tools that cater to the ever-evolving needs of the digital marketing landscape. These platforms empower businesses to design emails, automate marketing processes, and measure campaign performances with analytics.

With Klaviyo, membership businesses can design email campaigns tailored specifically to their customers. The platform offers advanced segmentation and targeting features, made even more powerful by its seamless integration with e-commerce platforms like Shopify. Klaviyo’s analytics tools enable businesses to monitor the success of their campaigns and make data-driven decisions.

On the other hand, Mailchimp is known for its ease of use and user-friendly interface, making it a popular choice for beginners and small businesses. With a variety of email templates and landing pages to choose from, Mailchimp provides a strong base from which to build and maintain a cohesive email marketing strategy.

Pricing for both platforms varies depending on the size of a user’s subscriber base and the features required. Klaviyo and Mailchimp both offer automation and personalization, but Klaviyo typically caters more to advanced users and larger e-commerce brands, while Mailchimp is focused on simpler, more cost-effective options for smaller businesses.

In conclusion, AI-powered content tools like Klaviyo and Mailchimp are invaluable assets for businesses looking to take their email marketing to the next level. By providing advanced features for automation, integration, and segmentation, these platforms support email marketing strategies designed to resonate with each subscriber and drive success in the membership and community driven-space.


Klaviyo and Mailchimp both offer analytics features to help businesses understand their email marketing performance. However, they differ in terms of the depth and scope of the analytics provided.

Klaviyo has a strong focus on data-driven marketing and provides in-depth analytics for its users. It allows for the tracking of customer behavior and offers real-time reporting. This makes it easier for business owners to optimize their campaigns based on actionable insights. Klaviyo’s analytics feature also includes revenue-based reporting and cohort analysis, which helps businesses understand how their email campaigns contribute to their bottom line.

Mailchimp also offers analytics, but these are more basic compared to Klaviyo. Some reports available on Mailchimp include open and click rates, audience growth, and campaign performance. While this information is helpful, it does not provide the same level of detail as Klaviyo’s analytics. Moreover, Mailchimp’s analytics focus mainly on email performance rather than revenue, which may not be ideal for e-commerce businesses that prioritize ROI.

When it comes to integration with e-commerce platforms, Klaviyo has a seamless connection with Shopify and WooCommerce, allowing businesses to easily sync their customer data and access advanced analytics for their store. On the other hand, Mailchimp’s integration with Shopify is not as seamless and may require using third-party tools for data syncing.

In summary, both Klaviyo and Mailchimp have analytics capabilities, but the depth of insights and focus on revenue-driven metrics make Klaviyo’s analytics feature more valuable for e-commerce businesses.

Membership Functionality

Klaviyo and Mailchimp are both popular email marketing tools that offer a range of features to help businesses grow their subscriber base and automate their marketing efforts. One of the key aspects to consider when comparing these two platforms is their membership functionality.

Klaviyo focuses on providing advanced segmentation options, allowing users to create highly targeted email campaigns. Users can segment their subscribers based on factors such as demographics, shopping behavior, and email engagement. This level of granularity enables businesses to craft personalized email campaigns that resonate with their target audience, increasing the likelihood of conversions.

On the other hand, Mailchimp offers a more straightforward approach to membership management. The platform includes features such as list segmentation and group management, allowing users to categorize their subscribers based on their preferences or interests. Mailchimp also provides pre-built segments based on common subscriber behaviors, making it easy for users to create targeted email campaigns without getting overwhelmed by complexity.

Integration with e-commerce platforms is another essential aspect of membership functionality. Both Klaviyo and Mailchimp offer seamless integration options with major e-commerce platforms like Shopify, allowing users to sync their customer data and easily set up marketing campaigns based on their customer’s shopping behavior.

When it comes to pricing, Klaviyo and Mailchimp have different approaches. Klaviyo offers a tiered pricing system based on the number of subscribers, with additional charges for premium features. Mailchimp, on the other hand, has a more straightforward pricing model with predefined plans that include various features.

In summary, the membership functionality of Klaviyo and Mailchimp varies depending on the users’ needs and preferences. Klaviyo is a powerful tool for businesses seeking advanced segmentation and personalization capabilities, while Mailchimp caters to those who prefer an easy-to-use platform with basic segmentation features and robust e-commerce integrations. The choice between these two platforms will ultimately depend on your specific business goals and requirements.


eCommerce businesses have specific needs when it comes to email marketing. Both Klaviyo and Mailchimp provide eCommerce-focused features catering to these unique requirements. In this section, we will discuss some of the capabilities each platform offers for eCommerce email marketing.

Klaviyo integrates seamlessly with popular eCommerce platforms such as Shopify, WooCommerce, and BigCommerce. This allows for efficient data syncing between the email marketing platform and the online store. Klaviyo offers advanced segmentation capabilities, enabling businesses to target subscribers based on their purchase history, browsing behavior, and other customer attributes.

Moreover, Klaviyo provides pre-built email automation for typical eCommerce scenarios like cart abandonment, post-purchase follow-ups, and replenishment reminders. These automations can be further customized to match the business’s branding and customer engagement strategy. Additionally, Klaviyo offers robust analytics to measure the performance of email campaigns and automation, helping businesses optimize their marketing efforts.

Mailchimp, on the other hand, also supports integration with major eCommerce platforms and offers various email marketing tools tailored for online businesses. Some of these tools include product recommendations, abandoned cart emails, and personalized order notifications. Mailchimp also provides various email templates specifically designed for online stores, promoting sales and new products.

Similar to Klaviyo, Mailchimp enables businesses to use segmentation to target specific customer groups based on their purchases, engagement, and demographic data. Additionally, Mailchimp offers marketing automation features that help eCommerce businesses send targeted messages at the right time.

In conclusion, both Klaviyo and Mailchimp cater to the needs of eCommerce businesses with a range of features and integrations. While Klaviyo is more focused on providing advanced segmentation and automation capabilities, Mailchimp offers an easy-to-use platform with versatile email marketing tools for online stores.

Ease of Use

When it comes to email marketing tools, ease of use is a vital factor to consider. Both Klaviyo and Mailchimp offer user-friendly interfaces and straightforward tools for managing marketing campaigns, but there are some differences that may sway a user’s preference.

Klaviyo is designed specifically for e-commerce businesses, making it a popular choice among online retailers. Its features and tools are tailored for e-commerce, thus streamlining the workflow for these users. Klaviyo’s integration with e-commerce platforms like Shopify and WooCommerce enables users to import data and set up campaigns quickly with minimal hassle. Additionally, Klaviyo offers advanced segmentation and personalization options to allow for targeted marketing campaigns.

Mailchimp, on the other hand, is known for being easy to use and beginner-friendly. While it is not as tailored for e-commerce as Klaviyo, it does provide users with a wide variety of tools and functionalities for general email marketing purposes. Mailchimp offers a drag-and-drop email builder, making it simple for users to create and send visually appealing emails. Moreover, it has a vast library of pre-built email templates that users can readily use or customize to match their brand identity.

In terms of support, both platforms provide comprehensive resources and tutorials to help users navigate their systems. Klaviyo has a dedicated resource center with guides and videos that cover various aspects of the platform, while Mailchimp offers a robust knowledge base comprising guides, video tutorials, and webinars.

Choosing between Klaviyo and Mailchimp for ease of use largely depends on the specific needs of a business. If the primary focus is e-commerce, then Klaviyo’s tailored features and tools might be more appealing. Alternatively, if a user prefers simplicity and a general approach to email marketing, then Mailchimp’s user-friendly capabilities might be the better choice. The key is to assess which platform aligns best with individual marketing goals and strategies.

Other Competitors to Consider?

While Klaviyo and MailChimp are popular email marketing tools for e-commerce businesses, there are other competitors in the market worth considering. The choice of tool depends on factors such as pricing, integration, segmentation, and ease of use.

Sendinblue now (Brevo)  is one such competitor that has gained popularity for its affordability and extensive features. They provide email marketing, SMS marketing, automation, and CRM in their suite. Their free plan includes up to 300 emails per day, which can be a good starting point for small businesses.

Starter $25 | Business $65 per month for 1,000 contents

ActiveCampaign is another platform that combines email marketing with CRM and marketing automation. It offers advanced segmentation options and automation features that help businesses create targeted campaigns. Although pricing can be higher for larger businesses, ActiveCampaign’s comprehensive features make it a strong option.

Prices $39 per month for 1,000 contents

Omnisend focuses primarily on e-commerce businesses, providing features such as personalized email marketing, SMS marketing, automation, and audience segmentation. It easily integrates with Shopify, WooCommerce, and other popular e-commerce platforms. Omnisend’s pricing is competitively structured, with a free plan offering limited features.

Prices Standard $20 | Pro $59 per month 1,000 contents

FluentCRM is a powerful customer relationship management software designed specifically for WordPress. It provides a comprehensive suite of features to help businesses effectively manage their contacts, customers, and marketing efforts. With FluentCRM, users can create and organize detailed customer profiles, track interactions and transactions, and segment their audience for targeted marketing campaigns.

Prices Solo Entrepreneur $77 | Small Business $149 | Agencies and Freelancers $299 paid yearly

The software also includes advanced email marketing capabilities, allowing users to create and automate personalized email campaigns to nurture leads and drive conversions. Additionally, FluentCRM integrates seamlessly with other popular WordPress plugins and tools, making it easy to incorporate into your existing website and workflow. Its intuitive interface and user-friendly design make it an ideal solution for businesses of all sizes looking to streamline their CRM and marketing processes.

Whether you’re a small startup or a large enterprise, FluentCRM offers the functionality and flexibility to help you effectively engage and retain your customers while growing your business.

MailPoet is a popular email marketing and newsletter plugin for WordPress. With its user-friendly interface and powerful features, MailPoet makes it easy for website owners to create and send professional-looking emails to their subscribers.

The plugin allows users to customize their emails with pre-designed templates, drag-and-drop editing, and automatic responsive design. It also provides tools for managing email lists, tracking analytics, and integrating with other plugins and services. MailPoet is a great tool for businesses, bloggers, and nonprofits who want to stay connected with their audience through email. Its seamless integration with WordPress makes it a convenient choice for anyone already using the platform.

Whether you’re looking to promote new products, share valuable content, or build stronger relationships with your audience, MailPoet can help you achieve your email marketing goals with ease and efficiency.

Remember to consider your business requirements and goals while exploring these alternatives. Each tool offers different features and pricing structures to cater to various needs in the email marketing landscape.

Remember to consider your business requirements and goals while exploring these alternatives. Each tool offers different features and pricing structures to cater to various needs in the email marketing landscape.


Klaviyo and Mailchimp offer different pricing structures to cater to businesses of various sizes. Both platforms provide a range of plans that scale as the number of subscribers grows. This flexibility allows businesses to choose the best option that suits their budget and email marketing needs.

Klaviyo offers a free plan that accommodates up to 250 subscribers with 500 email send limits per month. As the number of subscribers increases, so does the subscription cost. For example, for 1,000 subscribers, the pricing starts at $30 per month. As the number of subscribers grows, businesses can choose from several tiered plans. Full pricing details can be found on the Klaviyo website.

Mailchimp also offers a free plan, known as the “Free Forever” plan, allowing users to have up to 2,000 subscribers and send a maximum of 12,000 emails per month. Their paid plans include the Essentials plan, starting at $9.99 per month for 500 subscribers, and the higher-tier plans, namely Standard and Premium, which provide additional features and scale with an increasing subscriber count. More information on Mailchimp’s pricing can be found on their website.

In terms of pricing, both Klaviyo and Mailchimp offer competitive and scalable plans suitable for businesses of different sizes. The choice ultimately depends on the desired features and specific email marketing needs of the business. It is important to evaluate these factors thoroughly to get the most value from the chosen email marketing platform.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q: What are the main differences between Klaviyo and Mailchimp?

A: While both Klaviyo and Mailchimp offer email marketing services, Klaviyo is known for its advanced segmentation and powerful predictive analytics, whereas Mailchimp is more user-friendly and offers a wider range of integrations with other platforms like Shopify.

Q: What are some key features offered by Klaviyo?

A: Klaviyo offers advanced segmentation, predictive analytics, and automated email campaigns, making it a great choice for e-commerce businesses looking to target their audience effectively based on customer behavior and preferences.

Q: What does Mailchimp primarily focus on?

A: Mailchimp offers a wide range of features, including multivariate testing, customer journey automation, and an easy-to-use platform, making it a popular choice for both small businesses and larger enterprises.

Q: How does the pricing plan differ between Klaviyo and Mailchimp?

A: Klaviyo’s pricing plan is based on the number of contacts in your list and offers a premium plan for advanced features, while Mailchimp offers four different pricing tiers, including a free plan for new users.

Q: Which platform is better suited for e-commerce businesses, Klaviyo or Mailchimp?

A: Klaviyo is often considered the better choice for e-commerce businesses due to its robust integration with platforms like Shopify and its focus on predictive analytics, which can help businesses tailor their marketing strategies to specific customer behaviors and preferences.

Q: Can you compare the customer support provided by Klaviyo and Mailchimp?

A: Both Klaviyo and Mailchimp offer email and chat support, providing assistance to their users when needed. However, Klaviyo is known for its customer-focused approach, diving deep into specific issues to provide personalized support, while Mailchimp also offers reliable customer support.

Q: What are some important factors to consider when choosing between Klaviyo and Mailchimp?

A: When choosing between Klaviyo and Mailchimp, it’s essential to consider factors such as your specific marketing needs, preferred pricing plan, level of automation, and integration with other platforms like Shopify or WordPress.

Q: Can Mailchimp users easily switch to Klaviyo?

A: Yes, Mailchimp users can easily switch to Klaviyo by integrating their existing email lists and campaigns, although it’s recommended to carefully plan the migration process to ensure a smooth transition and minimal disruption to your marketing activities.

Q: What are the different ways Klaviyo and Mailchimp handle email automation?

A: Klaviyo and Mailchimp both offer advanced automation features, allowing users to set up automated email campaigns based on customer behavior and interactions. However, Klaviyo’s focus on predictive analytics enables businesses to create highly targeted and personalized email automation, making it a preferred choice for many e-commerce businesses.

Q: How does predictive analytics differ between Klaviyo and Mailchimp?

A: Klaviyo’s predictive analytics capabilities enable businesses to understand their customers’ future behaviors and preferences, allowing for more strategic and targeted marketing efforts. In contrast, while Mailchimp also offers analytics features, Klaviyo is often regarded as having more robust predictive analytics capabilities.

Final Thoughts

When it comes to email marketing for e-commerce businesses, Klaviyo and Mailchimp are both popular choices, offering a range of features focused on increasing engagement and driving sales. They differ, however, in terms of their pricing, automation, integration, segmentation, and ease of use.

Klaviyo is known for its advanced automation and segmentation, which allows for more personalized email campaigns. It offers powerful analytics tools, making it a desirable choice for businesses looking to optimize their marketing strategies. Its integration with Shopify and other e-commerce platforms is seamless, providing a streamlined experience for users.

In contrast, Mailchimp is often recognized for its user-friendly interface and ease of use. While its automation and segmentation features may not be as advanced as Klaviyo’s, it still offers a solid platform for businesses looking to implement effective email marketing campaigns. The variety of email templates and landing page builders within Mailchimp can be particularly advantageous for smaller businesses or those just starting out with email marketing.

Both Klaviyo and Mailchimp have their merits and can be valuable email marketing tools for different types of businesses. Considering the specific needs of your e-commerce business, such as your budget, marketing goals, and the level of customization desired in your email campaigns, will guide you in making the most informed decision between these two platforms.

Mailchimp VS. Klaviyo Which is The Best Email Platform in 2024? was last modified: by