Best CRMs For Associations & Membership Organizations

November 4, 2023

Association Management Made Easy: Simplify and Grow Your Membership in 2023

As the world becomes more interconnected and technology advances, associations and organizations are increasingly utilizing customer relationship management (CRM) tools, membership management software, and association management systems (AMS) to streamline their operations and improve member engagement. In 2023, the need for comprehensive management platforms is more critical than ever, with a multitude of options available for associations to grow their membership, simplify processes, and effectively manage member data.

By consolidating these aspects into an all-in-one system, organizations are better equipped to foster strong relationships with their members, efficiently manage their activities, and ultimately, achieve their goals.

The History of Shared Information 


Back in the early days, associations and membership organizations relied on manual processes and paper-based records to manage their operations. Enter the digital age, and everything changed. Association Management Software (AMS) evolved, helping organizations stay organized and efficient.

Selecting the best association management software is paramount for organizations looking to grow their membership and foster healthy relationships with members. CRM for associations not only simplifies membership management but also offers a member management system that can be tailored to each organization’s unique needs.

In conclusion, the history of shared information reveals how far association management has come. From paper-based systems to advanced, comprehensive software tools, these all-in-one systems continue to innovate, providing transformative solutions for associations in 2023 and beyond.

Engagement Tracking

Engagement Tracking

Engaging with your association’s members is crucial for success in maintaining and growing your community. Implementing a membership management software that includes engagement tracking allows you to understand your members’ needs and interests better. By staying attuned to their patterns of involvement, you can tailor communications, events, and resources to suit your constituents’ preferences.



One of the primary ways in which association management software helps to track engagement is through an integrated CRM (Customer Relationship Management) system. This component enables you to store and organize essential member data, such as contact information, activity history, and payment records. By centralizing this information, you can easily identify trends and areas of interest across your membership base.

Finally, a well-rounded engagement tracking system must also include payment processing functions. A membership management solution will automate dues collection and renewal procedures, thus alleviating manual work for your staff. Simultaneously, it ensures a hassle-free payment experience for your members, which in turn plays a vital role in retaining their interest.

Easy to Use

Finding the right Association Management Software (AMS) is essential for streamlining membership management, event planning, member renewal, and payment processing. In 2023, the best Membership Management Software (MMS) simplifies these processes with an all-in-one approach, which is both easy to use and provides a friendly experience.

The comprehensive management platform handles tasks related to member management and association management. By automating crucial processes, it frees up valuable time for your organization to focus on serving members and growing your membership. Features such as an intuitive member directory, content management tools, and seamless payment handling allow you to manage your association effortlessly.

When choosing the best MMS for your organization, look for a system offering easy-to-use features and customization options. It should allow your team to manage member data effectively, tailor your membership packages, and nurture relationships with existing members. Remember, the right management system grows with your organization, adapting to fulfill your evolving requirements.

Mobile Friendly

In today’s fast-paced world, association members and management professionals require easy access to their data and the ability to manage various tasks on the go. A mobile-friendly membership management software offers the convenience and ease of use that users expect in 2023. By adapting to different screen sizes and operating systems, these applications ensure a seamless experience for both members and administrators.

One of the key advantages of mobile-friendly membership management software is the ability to access member data, update records, and process payments from virtually anywhere. This feature is particularly useful for busy professionals or members who prefer using mobile devices to desktops.

In summary, mobile-friendly membership management software streamlines various aspects of association management, including member data management, payment processing, event organization, and more. Implementing such a solution can significantly enhance the productivity and user experience for both members and association management personnel in 2023.

Integrates With Other Software

Association management software (AMS) provides a comprehensive membership management solution. One key feature of the best AMS tools is their ability to integrate with a wide range of other software applications. This ensures that member data, payment processing, and content management are seamlessly connected between platforms.

For example, integrating with CRM tools allows associations to track their member relationships more effectively. This helps in creating personalized engagement strategies to improve overall member satisfaction. Similarly, event management software can be connected to the AMS platform to simplify event planning, registration, and attendee tracking for member events.

In summary, integration capabilities are essential for an all-in-one association management platform. By choosing a versatile AMS solution that can connect with various other software tools, organizations can streamline their processes, effectively manage member data, and ultimately grow their memberships.

Marketing Automation Possible

Association management software (AMS) offers organizations a range of tools to simplify and streamline membership management processes. The all-in-one solutions provided by the best membership management platforms help associations and nonprofits grow and manage their membership base more effectively.

Marketing automation is a critical feature of modern AMS. Through automation, associations can engage members and prospects with targeted messages promptly. Automated email campaigns, event management, and content management can all contribute to keeping members informed and engaged.

In summary, investing in the best association management software comes with numerous benefits. Through marketing automation, content management, and event management features, associations can engage more effectively with their current and prospective members. By streamlining operations and automating time-consuming tasks, associations can focus on what matters most—fostering growth and supporting their membership community.


In today’s digital landscape, security is of utmost importance for association management software (AMS). Safeguarding member data and ensuring the privacy of sensitive information is a top priority for associations and nonprofits. AMS platforms go above and beyond to provide robust security measures, protecting organizations and their members from potential risks.

One critical aspect of AMS security is data encryption, both at rest and in transit. This means that all member information is encrypted when stored in the system and while it’s being transmitted over networks. Two-factor authentication (2FA) is another vital security feature offered by many AMS platforms. With 2FA, accessing the system requires two separate steps, making it more difficult for unauthorized users to gain access.

By prioritizing security, association management systems help organizations confidently manage and grow their memberships while protecting their valuable data.


Investing in an all-in-one membership management solution can greatly benefit associations, nonprofits, and trade organizations. A key aspect to consider when selecting such a platform is the ownership of the system. In this section, we’ll explore how crucial it is to have a user-friendly and accessible management system in place.

Firstly, automating tasks like event management, member directory maintenance, and membership renewals can significantly streamline the day-to-day operations of associations. With efficient membership management software, organizations can focus on nurturing relationships with their members and growing their membership base, as most of the administrative work is taken care of by the platform.

To summarize, the ownership of a membership management system entails selecting a platform that fits your specific needs and requirements. An AMS that caters to your organization’s needs can help improve efficiency, automate administrative processes, centralize member data, and ultimately aid in simplifying membership management.


When it comes to selecting membership management software, pricing is a significant factor to consider for associations, nonprofits, and trade organizations. Most providers offer different subscription plans, and the cost will depend on the features and capabilities included.

It is essential to compare various management platforms and find the best solution based on the organization’s needs and budget constraints. Factors to consider include:

  • Number of members: Some pricing models may be based on the number of members in the organization. As the membership base grows, the cost may increase proportionally.
  • Features: Examine the feature set offered and determine if the platform suits the organization’s requirements. Advanced event management, fundraising, and content management capabilities may come at a premium price.
  • Customization: If the solution allows extensive customization and branding, it may influence the pricing. Tailoring the platform to meet the organization’s specific needs may contribute to the overall value.
  • Integration: Consider possible integration with other systems, such as payment processing and CRM, which may affect the pricing model.

Make sure to request a demo or trial period to assess the software’s ease of use and efficiency in automating membership management tasks. By thoroughly researching pricing structures and evaluating the available options, organizations can find the best membership management software that meets their needs and scales with their growth.

Best Association CRM Choices

In the realm of association and membership organizations, having a reliable CRM system is essential for maximizing efficiency and fostering member engagement. Among the top choices available today, one standout option is Salesforce. Widely regarded as the leading CRM platform globally, Salesforce offers robust features such as data management, automation tools, and integrated analytics that empower associations to streamline processes and make informed decisions.

Overall, choosing the right CRM system can significantly impact an association’s success by driving member satisfaction and increasing organizational productivity. Whether it be the versatility of Salesforce or the customized solutions offered by Membee, selecting a reputable CRM ensures smooth operations while nurturing meaningful connections within an association or membership organization.


WildApricot is a powerful CRM platform designed specifically for associations and membership organizations. It provides an all-in-one solution that streamlines processes, improves communication channels, and enables personalized interactions with members. With WildApricot, organizations can easily manage their member database, track engagement levels, and automate tasks such as event registration and online payments.

One of the key features of WildApricot is its user-friendly interface which allows even non-technical users to navigate the system effortlessly. The software also offers customizable website templates that can be easily updated by staff without any coding knowledge. This ensures that organizations can create a professional online presence to engage with their members effectively.

Overall, WildApricot stands out among other CRMs in its ability to cater specifically to the needs of associations and membership organizations. Its comprehensive set of features combined with its user-friendly interface make it an excellent choice for enhancing efficiency and driving member engagement in today’s digital era.

Prices: between 500 to 5,000 members start from $140 to $440 Wild Apricot is one of the bigger players in this sector and is now part of the Personify family of products and services.


HubSpot is widely recognized as one of the top CRMs empowering associations and membership organizations. With its robust suite of features, HubSpot allows organizations to streamline processes and improve communication channels with their members. From managing contact information and tracking interactions to automating repetitive tasks, HubSpot provides a comprehensive solution for enhancing operational efficiency.

One key strength of HubSpot is its ability to enable personalized interactions with members. The platform offers extensive segmentation capabilities, allowing organizations to tailor their communications based on member preferences, interests, and behavior. This level of personalization not only strengthens member engagement but also helps in building stronger relationships between the organization and its members.

Overall, HubSpot empowers associations and membership organizations by centralizing their data management processes while improving member engagement through personalized interactions. Its range of features makes it a versatile CRM solution suitable for any organization looking to enhance efficiency and drive growth in today’s digital landscape.

Prices: between 0 to 2,000 members start from $890 monthly 


Memberplanet is one of the top CRMs that empower associations and membership organizations by enhancing their efficiency and engagement. This platform offers a comprehensive set of tools that streamline processes, allowing organizations to effectively manage their members. With Memberplanet, associations can easily centralize member data, track interactions, and automate administrative tasks.

One notable feature of Memberplanet is its ability to improve communication channels between the organization and its members. It provides various communication tools such as email marketing, custom newsletters, event invitations, and even text messaging capabilities. These features enable organizations to deliver personalized interactions with their members and keep them engaged in a convenient way.

Overall, Memberplanet is an efficient CRM solution for associations and membership organizations seeking to enhance operational efficiency while driving member engagement through improved communication channels and personalized interaction capabilities.

Prices: unlimited members start from $177 monthly 


MemberClicks is a leading CRM solution that empowers associations and membership organizations to manage their members and enhance engagement seamlessly. With its user-friendly interface and comprehensive features, MemberClicks streamlines processes, allowing organizations to efficiently handle tasks such as member registration, event management, and communication.

One of the standout features of MemberClicks is its robust communication tools. The platform enables personalized interactions with members through targeted emails, newsletters, and automated messaging. This level of customization enhances member engagement by delivering relevant content and updates tailored to their specific needs and interests.

Overall, MemberClicks stands out as a top CRM solution for associations and membership organizations due to its efficiency-enhancing features combined with the ability to drive member engagement through personalized interactions and data-driven decision-making.

Prices: between 500 to 5,000 members start from $4,500 per year. unlimited users


Salesforce is one of the top CRMs that empowers associations and membership organizations by providing them with a comprehensive set of tools to enhance efficiency and drive member engagement. With Salesforce, organizations can streamline their processes, automate workflows, and improve communication channels. The platform offers features such as contact management, opportunity tracking, task management, event management, and analytics to help associations effectively manage their members.

One of the key benefits of Salesforce is its ability to enable personalized interactions with members. Through its advanced data management capabilities and powerful segmentation tools, organizations can tailor communications based on each member’s preferences and interests. This level of personalization leads to better engagement and satisfaction among members.

In summary, Salesforce provides associations and membership organizations with an efficient CRM solution that enhances operational efficiency while driving member engagement through personalized interactions. Its comprehensive set of tools combined with seamless integrations make it a top choice for managing relationships in today’s digital age.

Prices: between 500 to 5,000 members Prices on Request (expensive.)


MemberLeap is one of the top CRMs empowering associations and membership organizations to streamline processes, improve communication channels, and enable personalized interactions. This CRM solution offers a comprehensive set of features designed specifically for managing members efficiently while enhancing engagement.

One key feature of MemberLeap is its robust member management system, which allows organizations to easily organize and track member profiles, payments, registrations, and communications all in one place. With this system, association administrators can simplify administrative tasks such as managing membership levels, tracking event attendance, sending automated renewal reminders, and generating customizable reports.

Overall,’ MemberLeap stands out among other CRMs by offering a user-friendly interface,’ customizable options, efficient automation features’, ‘and excellent customer support’. By utilizing this powerful CRM solution”, associations’ And” membership organizations can enhance their operational efficiency while nurturing stronger relationships with their members”.

Prices: between 500 to 5,000 members start from $140 to $360 for the Copper level plan. Unfortunately, MemberLeap has a 5-level semi-complicated pricing structure, in our opinion.


ZohoCRM is a popular CRM solution that associations and membership organizations have widely adopted. This powerful software offers a range of features designed to streamline processes and improve overall efficiency. Organizations can easily manage their member database, track interactions, and automate various tasks with ZohoCRM.

One of the key advantages of ZohoCRM for associations and membership organizations is its ability to enhance communication channels. The software allows for seamless integration with email systems, enabling organizations to send personalized emails, event reminders, or renewal notifications to members in just a few clicks. Additionally, ZohoCRM offers robust reporting tools that provide valuable insights into member engagement levels and campaign effectiveness.

In summary, ZohoCRM is an excellent choice for associations and membership organizations looking to enhance operational efficiency and member engagement. By streamlining processes, improving communication channels, and enabling personalized interactions, this CRM solution empowers these entities by helping them better manage relationships with their members in today’s digital age.

Prices: between 500 to 5,000 members start from $14 to $52 per user yearly plan however, do take this in context as you are only paying for your staff who use the backend of the platform its pricing structure isn’t based on membership levels.


VeryConnect is one of the top CRMs empowering associations and membership organizations by offering a comprehensive range of features to enhance efficiency and engagement. With its user-friendly interface and customizable options, it streamlines processes, making it easier to manage members effectively. VeryConnect offers a centralized database that enables organizations to store all member information securely, allowing for efficient data management.

Furthermore, VeryConnect provides powerful communication tools that enable personalized interaction with members. Through email campaigns, event notifications, and automated workflows, organizations can easily reach out to their members and keep them engaged. The CRM also offers robust analytics capabilities which provide valuable insights into member behavior and preferences, helping organizations tailor their offerings accordingly.

Overall, VeryConnect is an excellent choice for associations and membership organizations looking to optimize operations while enhancing member engagement.

Prices: between 500 to 5,000 members Prices on Request


WordPress is one of the top CRMs that empowers associations and membership organizations to enhance efficiency and engagement. It is a widely popular content management system that allows users to create, manage, and update their websites with ease. With its user-friendly interface and customizable features, WordPress makes it simple for organizations to organize and present information in a visually appealing manner.

One of the key advantages of WordPress is its vast range of plugins and themes. These allow associations and membership organizations to add functionality to their websites or change the design without requiring advanced technical knowledge. From event registration forms to member directories, WordPress offers a wide array of plugins tailored specifically for association management.

In summary, WordPress stands out as a top CRM solution due to its user-friendly interface, customizable options through plugins and themes, as well as its ability to foster member engagement through personalized interactions.

Prices: between 500 to 5,000 members Prices on Request with WP-Tonic as your WordPress partner

Frequently Asked Questions

Q: What is the purpose of member management software?

A: Member management software is designed to help associations and membership organizations organize and track their members’ information, dues, events, and other important data.

Q: What are some of the best CRMs for associations and membership organizations?

A: Some of the best CRMs for associations and membership organizations include AMS, Wild Apricot, Neon CRM, and LifterLMS.

Q: What is AMS?

A: AMS stands for Association Management Software. It is a software platform that provides tools and features specifically designed for associations to manage their operations.

Q: What is Wild Apricot?

A: Wild Apricot is an all-in-one member management software solution designed for small to mid-sized organizations. It provides features such as membership database management, event registration, and online payments.

Q: What is the best CRM for trade associations?

A: Neon CRM is often considered one of the best CRMs for trade associations. It offers a wide range of association management features and is highly customizable.

Q: What are the top association management software options?

A: Some of the top association management software options include Wild Apricot, Neon CRM, LifterLMS, and LearnDash. These platforms offer a variety of features to help associations manage their operations effectively.

Q: What is the difference between member management software and association management software?

A: Member management software focuses on managing individual members’ information, whereas association management software provides a broader range of features to manage the entire association’s operations, including events, finances, and communication.

Q: What are some best practices for using member management software?

A: Some best practices for using member management software include regularly updating member information, using automation features to streamline processes, and regularly training staff on how to use the software effectively.

Q: What is the best all-in-one member management software?

A: There are several options for the best all-in-one member management software, including Wild Apricot, Neon CRM, and LifterLMS. These platforms offer a comprehensive set of features for managing all aspects of membership organizations.

Q: What is the best cloud-based membership management system?

A: Wild Apricot is often considered one of the best cloud-based membership management systems. It offers a user-friendly interface, robust features, and secure data storage.

Final Thoughts

When it comes to managing associations and membership organizations, having an efficient and effective CRM system is essential. A CRM (Customer Relationship Management) system helps associations and membership organizations keep track of their members, streamline communication, and improve overall engagement.

With a plethora of CRM options available, it can be challenging to choose the best one for your specific needs. However, there are a few CRMs that are highly recommended for associations and membership organizations. One of the top choices is Salesforce. With its robust features and scalability, Salesforce provides comprehensive solutions for managing member data, organizing events, and facilitating communication.

Another popular CRM for associations is Wild Apricot. This cloud-based CRM offers a range of tools for managing memberships, events, and website integration. It is known for its user-friendly interface and affordability.


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